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Based on the votes here's what's gonna happen.

Klaus and Hayley will be together. It was 8 against 2. 

Finn will be brought back to life. 

Josie, Penelope, and Finch will be together (but not toxic)

I am going to add choices for Cyrus since that's what you guys want. You will have more time to vote for him since 'Legacies' will be an entirely different story all together and probably won't be made for some time. 


*PLEASE PUT IT ON THE SIDE WHERE THE ARROWS ARE* It would be easier to vote!

Cyrus x Mg ➡️

Cyrus x Landon ➡️

Cyrus x Mg x Lizzie (maybe Mg would start to like Cyrus and stop chasing after Lizzie and after a while Lizzie would realize her feelings? Kind of rooting for this one.) ➡️

Cyrus x Sebastian ➡️ (kind of rooting for this one also lol.)

Cyrus x Jed ➡️

Jed x ben ➡️

Jed x Landon x Ben ➡️

OTHER (for any of them) ➡️


Klaus Mikaelson son; Cyrus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now