03 - rain

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it was raining when they got out of the restaurant. she can't get used to the way how touching him, and him touching her, became default so suddenly. she thought it was because he'd seen her cry, consequently, they've quite advanced in the spectrum of closeness.

Rindou stood closely by her side, his jacket over her frame, his arm around her shoulders. at this point, she'd know his scent from a mile away.

"should we wait it out?" he asks, looking down at her.

"my place is quite far, Rin—and I have to get home on time...I'll just take a cab."

"it's dangerous though."

she anxiously glances back down her phone she'd put on silent. it was bombarded with missed calls and messages from her stepmother, none from her father. he liked to let his actions do the talking.

"come on, if you're in a rush I'll drive you now."

she thinks of getting slapped, or gripped so hard that bruises form. she visibly quivered; unnatural from the cold.

"I'm well past curfew now anyway, let's take our time."

he blinks. "you're curfew's at eight?" he says, unable to screen the judgement from his voice.

she only shrugged.

they get into his car, in the short run there they both manage to get soaked. of course an umbrella was available, but Rindou had told the staff early on as they exited to not offer them one. it was all about playing the right tricks.

meanwhile, Kei tried not to take too much notice of how there was only two of them in this small, private space of his car. her thoughts ring back to his words earlier.

"we're not alone though? you'd have enough reason to be nervous if we really were."

she shakes her head, looking out at the pouring rain. Rindou said he wouldn't pressure her into anything. somehow, she perceived such words as him adjusting to her pace—which shouldn't be a bad thing. but he's done enough, hasn't he? he's helped her so much, and he was a nice man. apart from being totally clumsy about everything, she's done absolutely nothing for him in return.

they'd been touching so much tonight, would it really kill her to take it a step further? for a brief moment, she wondered what it would be like. to see him without his clothes, to witness him acting upon his desires as he pleased.

she halts that thought. it was just the tight space of his car that didn't seem so tight before when it wasn't this dark. due to her restricted sight...just possibly, all her other senses intensified.

she could hear his soft breathing. despite the small distance between them both, his warmth was touching her somehow amidst the cold.

"are you alright?" he asks, his voice gentle.

she looked back at him as he pulled his damp jacket tighter around her frame. his hands were so near her body.

"it's just cold," she says.

the girl looked absolutely stunning still, even in the dim light. Rindou could make out the slight rise and fall of her chest. he could imagine leaning in and kissing her, letting his hands roam and touch her all over.

but yet again, the image of her tears. it endlessly pissed him off. he vows not to start anything with the girl again unless she explicitly begged for it—though that didn't mean his agenda of getting to fuck her tonight was off the table.

he moves to touch her cheek, feigning carefulness as he swipes his fingers over her skin.

"you must be freezing."

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