09 - what doesn't fade

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two years later.

the sun was still about to set when Kei went in her dormitory. it was a medium-sized studio apartment on the third floor of a private building. she excitedly shuffles to her bedroom, tossing her bag on her desk before plopping down the bed.

college was hell. maintaining the status of being top of the class was much more so. she felt like it was the first time since entering university that she got to come home to her dorm like this without worrying about deadlines, teachers, tests—or her father.

tests and her father always came hand in hand whenever Kei was stressed about particularities. he cares about her scores. the university's dean was his friend after all, and he sees one flunk—one single B—on her card, she could kiss her life of independence and freedom all away.

of course, with this in mind, Kei took extra special care to avoid boys (especially ones who promise her the world on the first day) and stuck with being that girl who aces her tests while keeping up with her social life to a reasonable extent. yes, Kei had become quite the social butterfly. she and Hikari had the same group of friends, all of them having been by her side through thick and thin.

she was out of highschool. she almost couldn't recognize the Kei she was—naively stupid, people-pleasing, an all around walking punching bag for everyone she met. Hikari helped her a bit with standing up for herself and saying no to people; she's quite mastered the art of being more assertive. needless to say, except for that thing with Akira, Kei was in a pretty good place.

starting tomorrow was a two-week break from classes which meant going out with her friends, staying home, and just about doing anything she hasn't been able to in her busy schedule.

she was currently bordering between making plans in her head and succumbing to a very well-deserved nap when her phone rang. picking it up from beside her, she takes the phone and puts it to her ear.

"Kei!" it was one of her friends, Ella. she was the group's extrovert and plan-maker so to say.


"how about we go clubbing tonight?"

she pauses.

"...like a night club?"



"no saying no."

she stifles the memory at the back of her head. it was just the bullshit of highschool Kei who'd been dragged inside a club and in turn met a certain trickster. she felt the bitter taste of her raw heartbreak as she responded to her friend.

"I hate clubs."

"you've never been to one though. at least Hikari's been there a few times—"

"I don't know how to club," she scowls. "dancing, drinking, meeting certain men; I don't like any of it at all."

"woah, slow down there miss goody-two-shoes, we're not out to go sinning. we're out to celebrate, alright? and you don't hate drinking, you're just bad at it. don't worry about getting home since my boyfriend promised to drive."

"ugh. fine."

she hangs up the call to look for a dress. maybe she was overreacting a bit for never taking a step near any club's vicinity. but Ella was right—they were going to have fun and celebrate; all her other friends would be there. it was foolish to let a man so irrelevant spoil all the memories she could've made without hesitation.


"something tells me you got dragged here," Hikari says with a grin as Kei sat beside her at the bar.

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