10 - the beginning of chaos

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Rindou didn't like drivers despite the abundant supply Bonten offers to drive him around workplaces and cities. he was fond of being the lone wolf; hated to hear other people breathe too close or exist all the time when he desperately needed to be by himself.

the only occasion wherein he doesn't mind company is when his body needed relief—once that's done and over with, he's back into his own world. he never feels lonely about it, or bored for the matter. his solitude has simply become his greatest comfort and armor the same; no one could actually hurt him at all.

to say the least, Rindou was pretty much contented with his lifestyle. he has a demanding job that took up most of his time; it served as an outlet for the violence in his wirings. he had multiple properties, his black card fills up with money even in his sleep, and there were always women or two—or three—who would even pay to get in his bed.

Rindou sighs out the smoke of his cigarette, feeling little tension on his shoulders wane. the con of being stubborn about getting a driver is that he ends up so tired at the end of the day. he was on his way home to catch some sleep when Mikey called about a dinner meeting with Genjo. now the man was leaning on his car, a hand in his pocket as the other held his cigarette between his lips.

he might've been too early thanks to the fact that he was already near to begin with, but god knows he'd rather die than have to make niceties with Genjo alone. so he decides to wait, on his second cigarette now. the skies were turning dark; he felt a little bit of cold nip on the tips of his ears despite being sheltered in his layered hair.

he thought about going inside, but then he thought of it again and decided he'd really, truly rather suffer the cold than play pretend with that old man with a very killable face. Ran had warned him two years ago when he acted up that if he ever were to do something to disappoint Mikey, he should very well do it with utmost secrecy.

accidentally killing the powerhouse of their drug deals would for sure disappoint Mikey and keeping it secret would be impossible.

the cold it is.

he absently looks past the few people walking the street; passing the restaurant with the only light source being the warm-hued street light. he was looking at the restaurant's glass doors when a familiar blonde caught his peripheral.

Rindou was already half sure it was her before he allowed himself to inspect her face. Kei was as beautiful as always, her long wavy hair tied back in a bun as she wore a formal white dress. one would think she was a nun with the blatant effort to cover up her skin.

if he remembers right, Kei should be 19 or 20 now. he was only pulled out of his trance when the girl was about to head in the restaurant.

"Kei," he urgently calls.

she turned back, startled. her kind eyes were a mixture of surprise and something else, the kind of look she always had when she looked back at him.

"damn it," he mutters to himself as he threw his cigarette to the ground, approaching the girl.

he had been so busy admiring her princess-like appearance and grace that he forgot to connect the dots. Genjo had invited them to dinner—coincidentally or not, Kei wound up here too.

"Rindou? what are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same." he wraps his fingers around her thin wrist, pulling her from the restaurant and onto the darker area of the street where the light barely touched.

"what are you doing?" she hisses.

"you're not supposed to be here."

he glares at her. mildly, he was blown away at how adorable she looked with her brows furrowed, her lips a frown.

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