07 - violence

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"you know I'm getting into trouble for this."

"we're just having dinner."

"yeah, dinner. we had dinner last time too." she tightly smiles.

both were enclosed in the elevator, hands separate but hers tingling from his earlier touch. Rindou tilted his head as he smiled.

"are you mad at me, Kei?"

"what do you think?"

"I think you miss me more than you're mad at me," he says.

to that, she only looks away. that was precisely how she felt. everyday. she missed him so much, and she can't even long for him in peace because it was so futile to feel the way she did for him despite what he's done.

"I won't say sorry," Rindou sighs. she regards him disapprovingly as he scoots to stand closer to her.

the elevator doors open and a few employees get in. Kei tilts her face to the side, letting her hair fall over her face. the last thing she wanted right now is for her father to find out about her being with a man again.

"you alright?" he whispers.

due to his proximity, her forehead was touching his shoulder.

she looks up and his face was too close. he grins.

"may I ask why you won't apologize?" she huffs, slightly backing away.

"I think you could guess."

"you don't feel sorry."

"no," Rin says, "no, I don't."

Kei smiled to herself.

"and why did you invite me to dinner?"

"I kind of miss you too." he smiles, looking at her playfully.

"right." she rolls her eyes.

he watches the girl as she refuses to look at him, multiple people going in and out of the elevators at different floors. no matter how he looks at it, she must have been punched. it didn't necessarily have to be a punch though, he guesses. it could've been anything, but it couldn't have been an accident.

it just ticks him off to even imagine her get hurt that way. it wasn't that he cared, but more so that she lets herself get hurt, whoever that guy is—he still isn't over the fact she has another man's number on her palm. maybe he was just a bit possessive that's all. but he had treated her right—truly, for the most part. he somehow fears her experience with him is responsible for her bad choices in men thereafter, and god knows he wouldn't even hit her face like that at all.

as passengers get off the elevator on the 10th floor, both of them were once more alone. Kei rushed to the opposite corner of the space, pressing the 22nd floor. he looks at her questioningly.

"this was a mistake," she says.

"it's normal to make them."

"I can't afford it."

"I forgot to ask," he changes the topic, not wanting to give her time to actually think about cancelling, "but what are yo doing here?"

seeing her again after what felt like so long, with Kakucho no less, made sure that he really did forget to ask the right questions.

Kei was about to tell him that her father owns the company when she remembers Kakucho's words.

"I have an internship here. you?"

"I had business with an old man."

they reach the ground floor and the elevator doors open. Rin put on a teasing smile as he points his hands to the exit.

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