04 - first heartbreak

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Kei awoke at dawn, her body burning up, her head lost in the clouds. she shuffles closer to the body beside her own, eager for warmth. unconsciously, she knew it was Rindou. being in his arms was addicting.

however, more than the man, what she needed more right now was water. her throat was dry as a desert, it was almost difficult to breathe.

"Rin," she whines.

her only response was his consistent breaths as he held her asleep. she forces her eyes open; it wasn't bright, not yet. his room was a dark blue from the early hours of dawn, remnants of yesterday's rainy weather probably delaying any hint of sun.

despite herself, she leans up on her elbows. even her arms were tired, probably strained from the tension of gripping on his shoulders and hair the whole time. the pain suddenly left her mind as she sees flashbacks of the night before.

they had done it.

she glances down at Rin, his brows furrowing as she succeeded in untangling herself from him.

oh my god.

she sat down, naked, looking at their clothes on the floor. they were proof that last night indeed happened.

she abruptly stood up. it was a mistake as her muscles screech like machinery that had been left unattended, and there was a buzzing in her head, to add she felt so dehydrated. her weight falters, the room spins.

"woah, there."

his voice was lower than usual, traces of sleep in his baritone. she looks over her shoulder to find Rindou had woken up, having pulled her back to the safety of the mattress with his hand on her belly.

"Rin," she says, startled.

"you're hot as fuck," he mutters, pulling away as he lays back down, planting his face on the pillow.


"are you sick?" he says, voice muffling against the pillow.

"uh, no, I'm fine. I was just thirsty. do you mind if I get water?"

he only groans in response. somehow, Kei was expecting a little more conversation, or even a simple 'how are you feeling?' seeing as everything hurts. but who was she to complain, he was still sleepy, and he did catch her when she fell.

also asked if I was sick.

marching into his bathroom, she picks up his shirt and pajamas he'd given yesterday night, ones for her change into but never actually got to. as she dresses herself, all she could think of was the sensation of being beneath him, of letting him take control as he undressed her.

she looks at herself in the mirror. Kei knew she was beautiful; her appearance was the one and only thing her parents openly admitted that was of worth with her.

"if you weren't pretty, you wouldn't live up to your father's standards at all."

"how can you not even do this, Kei? if it's not for that face of yours, you are not my child at all."

her beauty, back then, seemed like a curse. she remembers those days when she'd purposely scrape her knees and elbows, cut her hair short because it was too beautiful long, and how she'd taken a blade and almost cut her face.

she didn't get past her issues having grown up from the fragile child she was, she only got better at shutting them away and closing her eyes at the persistent, existing anger and loneliness.

which brings her back to yesterday night. Rindou wanted her. it was her body and her face that he admired and had woken up his desires. she recalls him being unable to tear his eyes off her as she came, or how his cock was already hard just having seen her in her wet shirt.

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