06 - makes you stupid

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Rindou always said her name differently—it wasn't so obvious though, not by obvious standards. Kei however knew it by heart. he'd call for her in that deep, low voice of his, so casually, as if he says her name in a breath.

"ever thought of running away?"

"really? inspired to live with me?"

"I meant I'm inspired to get a place of my own."

"that would do you good, Kei."

"you should get away."

she woke up lying on her side, her room dim from the blinded windows. melancholy was already etched on her face; the girl an empty shell. it was impossible to know the hours that had passed, or if it was day or night.

begrudgingly, she hoists herself up from her bed and went over to the small, round table beside her door where a meal tray was set. it was just porridge and a cup of water. she touches the bowl to find it as cold as everything else in her room, dwindling her appetite ultimately.

she turns on the lights to make it less depressing here, and so she sees the expanse of her room. it was large, larger than Rindou's in fact. she had a pretty couch and carpet, shelves of books, a table, a vanity mirror—just about everything a young girl her age would want.

but then again, ironically, she has everything on the list of desires except a safe home.

well, I am safe. it's not like I'd die in here.

it was all getting pretty tiring. in her 17 years of life, turning 18, she's been locked in and punished more times than she'd laughed aloud. what was the use of being rich? they said at least the rich suffered in comfort, and so she always felt like she had no right to complain about her life.

but wasn't this too much?

what comfort is there when she gets hurt all the time, in all sorts of ways. she plops down her study table, clearing aside the books she'd left open as she takes a piece of paper and a pen, slipping on her glasses she needed to read and write.

when her head was a mess, she always found it easier to write it all down—pretend like her problems are problems of the book, something impersonal to her. usually, it'd be easier to get through it then.

estimate days to have passed: 5

graduation (day of freedom): two weeks after getting locked upinjuries:knees, shins, and thighs (can be covered)behind the knees (can be covered)left cheekbone (can be hidden with makeup)left eye (fading now; should heal before graduation)right wrist (landed on when having fallen)

ironically enough, she was writing with her right hand. the doctor had wrapped it with bandage though and per usual she knew the routine of applying ointments; it wasn't much of a hassle.

she continues writing, feeling her mind less troubled and more numbed. she thought it was always childish of her to jot down her plans like this, but again, in order to not break down and be overwhelmed, she had to pretend this was some piece of homework that needed solving.

Hikarinever tell her about Rindoutell her I'm sick for the long absenceCollegedad's decided anywaytry to apply for a dormitoryat least Hikari will go there tooDadfind some way to talk to him soon (before graduation at best)prepare a plan for his approval on moving out for collegeapologize againRindou

she pauses, her lips forming a thin line.


there was no use including him in her plans. she needed to focus.

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