08 - graduation day - second heartbreak

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Rindou never picked up her calls.

it's been days since she'd seen him, until eventually it was the day of her graduation.

despite the unlikeliness of his presence, she was hopeful. he'd be there. that grin of his, or one calling of her name from his lips, would inevitably cancel out the days she suffered waiting for any indication he had not forgotten her or his promise.

she delivers her speech as valedictorian. she catches her father clapping in the crowd. he abruptly leaves after her awards because he had a meeting; the day ends.

she waits at the stairwell of her school. Rindou could have been having trouble finding her. but he had to be here.

maybe he wouldn't show up. he thought of her as a kid after all, so he says, likewise he'd said she couldn't be anything more than temporary to him.

she was right. he wouldn't show up. it had turned night.

now here she stood in from of his apartment door, still in her school uniform. from outside she could already hear what he was doing in.

who he was doing, she didn't know. she stood there until the sounds of their pleasure halted. she didn't want to think about how long they were doing it; how much longer it was in comparison to their time together.

the door swings open and she turns away. the woman who'd left his apartment had to be years older than her, she was far taller too. she wore clothes that hugged her figure tight, her legs mildly trembling probably from Rindou's doing. she doesn't even glance her way, because Kei must have been that inanimate—at least she felt like so.

the woman was about to walk to the elevators when the door opens again.

"you left your coat." it was his voice.

he momentarily caught Kei's eyes, but he easily pretended she was unseen as he tosses the black coat to the woman he had just fucked.

as she enters the elevators, Rin turns to look at her, leaning on his doorway.

"you look traumatized," he says.

he wasn't wearing a shirt; his pants unzipped. she could see lipstick stains over his lips and neck, love bites on his chest.

it hurts.

and she couldn't comprehend how much it hurts. it was almost unreal how this much pain was allowed to exist—over a man who'd just recently stepped foot in her narrow world.

"what are you doing here, Kei?" Rindou sighs.

"I was calling you all day. no, for days actually."

he shrugs. "and I was busy. I wasn't under the impression you were free to come here as you pleased."

"that girl, are you seeing her?" she asks. her voice shook.

he makes a disgusted face. "of course not, Kei. that's not how this works. as you saw, she left right after. that's how it's supposed to be."

"you mean I should just leave too?"

he sighs, running a hand through his hair like she'd put him in an uncomfortable spot.

"look, whatever you're looking for, you won't find it with me."

"you promised."


"graduation day."

Rindou raises his brows, genuinely surprised. of course. the words she hang onto every single day didn't mean anything to him—not at all, apparently—since he doesn't even remember. he masks his expression with a small frown as he spoke harshly.

"why would I go to some stupid thing like that? unless of course I have a child there, I might."

the door closed.

that was the last day they saw each other.

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