Chapter 4: Brand New Start

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I look up to see a beautiful man. His hair is long with a lovely ruby red color to it. It was tied in a low ponytail at the base of his neck, flowing beautifully with every movement. His eyes matching his hair which made everything look so nicely. His clothes were dark and looked like something a pirate would wear. He looked at me with confusion, wondering why a random woman was crying a few blocks away from a tavern. He must think I'm drunk or something. 

"Oh, um I'm fine. I was just running home haha, bye." I quickly said after getting up from my crying position. "Wait" said the beautiful man as I began to walk in the direction of my house. I turned to him to see his very serious face. God he is hot. I cleared those thoughts as I just got out of a relationship. "It is not safe to walk home by yourself, no matter who you are. Let me walk you home." he said, beginning to walk alongside me. "Oh um sure" I replied, excited a hot man was walking me home. 

"What's your name?" he asked, five or so minutes after we started walking. "Y/n" 

"Cool. I'm Diluc." he replies. Diluc huh. That's a cool name. Except I didn't say that. As we continued down the road, we talked about our careers and such. I learned he owns the Dawn Winery and actually works in the tavern. I wasn't really ready to talk about what happened so I was really hoping he wouldn't ask. And he didn't. He was really sweet and supported my career goals even though he doesn't like the knights. We got to my house, unfortunately. I was really enjoying our time together but all things have to come to an end. I turned towards the firey man and said, "Thank you, I had a lovely time tonight. I hope to catch you soon. Goodnight" He smiled the most precious smile and replied with a "Goodnight." 

It was hard to fall asleep. I kept thinking about him all night. Diluc, owner of the Dawn Winery. Working at the tavern...wait. Did he see me punch Kaeya? No, I don't think so. He would have said something. Or what if he was just being polite and didn't want to bring it up? I began to panic. Then I remembered he was walking towards the tavern when he found me. So he probably didn't know about the whole thing. Thank God. 

Not long after my mini scare, I fell asleep. Thinking only of that red haired hottie. The morning came swiftly and I awoke feeling the best I ever have. Then I remembered about work. 

Oh shit. Kaeya will still be there. Maybe it won't be as bad since I have my own squad now. But what if Master Jean makes me work with him? Should I tell her what happened? No, I should leave the drama out of it. Peace in Mondstadt comes first. But the thought of seeing and working with Kaeya again makes me sick. Fuck.

On my way to work, I kept on stressing about it. I should just tell Master Jean that I feel uncomfortable working with him. Yeah, that works. I walk into headquarters thinking of a thousand ways to say what I wanted to when Master Jean walks towards me. My heart sank when she said,

"Y/n, we need to talk. Now."

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