Chapter 5: Unprepared

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"Oh okay." I said, now really starting to panic. She definitely sounded pissed oh god. As I was walking into Master Jean's office, Kaeya was leaving it. Glancing at the damage I caused sent shivers down my spine. A black eye, swollen lip, and bruised face. Jesus how hard did I hit him?

I sat down in the seat in front of her desk. She sat down in her seat sighing as she prepared her words. "Do you know why I asked you here?" she asked, crossing her arms and letting out an angry huff. Fuck. This is definitely about last night. My panic got the best of me as I stood up seconds after she asked that. 

"Look I'm sorry. Kaeya cheated on me with some girl in the tavern. He then said ' she's better than you.' after I was already about to leave. So I punched him. Yes, I know that was a horrible idea and I really regret it. But I will never ever hurt any of the knights again." I blurted out, heavily breathing from the anxiety. Master Jean took a moment to process everything and then sighed. "You know the rules Y/n. You cannot assault someone like that. Let alone a Captain in the Knights." 

"I know, I really fucked up. Only because Kaeya is a scumbag-"

"I'm sorry that happened to you. But you cannot assault someone. I just made you a Captain of your own squad and you assault your old boss?" Master Jean said. She took a few deep breaths to control her anger. I felt the tears coming the more I heard Master Jean's disappointment. I always wanted to be a knight. I had such respect for Master Jean and the others. I loved working with everyone. But I just singlehandedly ended my own career thanks to some petty drama. 

"I'm going to have to let you go"

I left headquarters without my job. I was sent home. I was so unbelievably angry at myself. I let my anger take over. I have let down my friends and family who believed in me. I fucked up big time. 

I found myself in the tavern. The place was filled with laughter, drinks clinging, and jokes flying. However, I was in a sour mood which just made me feel worse being in a place like this. "What can I get you?" asked a familiar voice. I picked up my heavy head to see Diluc. My face cracked a small smile at the lovely person in front of me. "Hi Diluc"

"You okay?"

"No, I got laid off."

"What? Why?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

He looked at me with a concerned look, like he wanted to cheer me up. I moved my eyes back down to the bar I was sitting at and continued my sad and pathetic thoughts. Suddenly a wine glass was placed in front of me. The liquid inside was smooth with a Burgundy color to it. Watching it swish around the glass was calming for some odd reason. "Here. You should try this. Mondstadt's speciality: Dandelion Wine." he said, giving a gentle smile. "Thank you, Diluc." I said, smiling back while sipping the wine. The taste was magnificent, stimulating my taste buds in the best way possible. I drank the entire glass in less than a minute, craving for more. "Another glass?" I asked, smiling widely at Diluc. "I guess you like it huh" he laughed, pouring me another glass. "Oh hell yeah, this is delicious!" I exclaimed, gulping down the wine. 

The rest of the night was a blur. I became so obsessed with the wine I just kept drinking more and more glasses. Diluc stopped giving them to me after two but the other bartender was generous enough to keep supplying me with my craving. 

I woke up with a raging headache and some aggressive nausea. My eyes hurt when they moved and moving felt like the worse thing on the planet. It took a little bit for my mind to process the room I was in. And that was when I realized

This isn't my room.

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