Garra one shot ~ Yukis sacrifice

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Bleach White hair

Green eyes

I felt the tears roll down my cheeks stinging as they mixed into the cuts. It meant I was still alive trapped here against the building blood pooling on the street beneath me the kunai holding me to the building. I coughed again and felt the searig pain of all my injuries. It was good I sent him ahead. It was good I made him leave.

Flashback to that morning.

"Evacuate the village get him and all the people out of there!" I heard Temari hell over the phone.

"Easier said than done you know how stubborn he is." I hissed pacing y room.

"I don't care do whatever you have to just get him and those people out of there! This is no average bunch of ninjas Yuki these are rogue assassins their only want is his death!"

"Gumme a sec I need to think of something." I told her.

I felt my stomach turn to knots the minute I did and I stopped moving. "I know how I can get Garra there just just promise me you'll keep him safe and tell him I love him ok?" I mumbled feeling like it was my heart which was breaking.

"Yeah of course dummy and you will too so hurry up and get here! I can't hook you guys up if your dead! So get here so you can tell him yourself!"

"Yeah of course." I lied and hung up. How do you tell your best friend that she wouldn't be seeing you? That she wouldn't ever see you again? You can't that's the simple answer.

"Lady Yuki?" asked my Squad I shook my head at them.

There was a bitter taste in my mouth as I walked into the room where Garra waited.

"What is it?" he asked. Damn him for being able to read me so easily. I pulled myself together this would take every bit of strength I had.

"You your it. You disgust me." shock was clear on his face ever since we were younger and I was sent to be his guardian we had been friends the best of friends. Damn I loved this boy he was my world literally.

"What?" he whispered.

"You heard me. Your a monster! I quit tell Temari and Kankuro it doesn't matter how much they pay me. I wont hang around pretending to be friends and protect a beast!"

Garra didn't look angry he looked betrayed. "Paid?"

"You think they paid me just to be your bodyguard growing up? No they paid me to be your friend well let me tell you this I am not nor will I ever be friends with a disgusting monster like you!" with every word I could see him break and with every word my heart and body screamed no shut up and to tell him what was really going on. No I couldn't I wouldn't. "Don't believe me go ask them. They'll tell you the truth." I sneered. Garra looked angry for a moment I thought he would attack me then he growled.

"FINE and your off the payrole I hate you Yuki! I hate you!" he sounded so broken as he crashed out of the building and no doubt away far away to safety where Temari and Kankuro would be able to protect him. I couldn't move however as tears fell down my cheeks. He hates me. That weighed heavily upon the dust that was the remnants of my heart.

"Lady Yuki." I forced myself to turn and face my squad my second in command kneeling before me.

"It's done." I said voice cracking "Hell-the Kazekage will be safe now. Go hurry get the villagers out of here and prepare for a fight." they nodded and quickly cleared out as I stayed frozen in the room waiting until every last one was gone before I could collapse and cry.

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