Itachi Uchiha one shot ~ Waterfall

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Itachis eyes drifted carelessly over the road before him. What was the point no one would be anywhere near here at least no one who would mess with him would be. This forest it was filled with rogue ninja of all sorts and levels however none of them were dumb enough to mess with anyone in the robe of the akutsuki. Leaf ninja were hated most passionately by these men, even rouge leaf ninja weren't welcome here. Though the bandits because of who he was and his robe made an exception and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.
Itachis mind flitted back to something Kisame had told him recently.
"Apparently a group of leaf ninja were recently sent into the forest to eliminate the rogue ninjas here. Supposedly they've done a good job too. Hehe let's see how long that lasts they've caught the attention of the higher ups now."
Itachi wasn't sure why he was thinking about this as he walked through the forest. Maybe he was just bored, afterall he had been walking for a few days now and it would be another day and a half before he reached the heart of the forest where the akutsuki were currently located. He could get there faster by running but why waste the energy?
Itachi let out a heavy sigh life couldn't get anymore boring could it.
Itachi was in a ready position before the first noise had fully ended however the source of the racket was taking its time getting to him. Finally he could hear it human panting and curses. A figure landed in the path directly in front of him and he leapt back chucking a kunai at it however the figure had already sprung forward and away as a kunai that must have already been thrown at it exploded its paper bomb tag.
Itachi looked up in surprise to find the figure had spun around and was crouched on the path one hand on the ground as she, for the figure was obviously female, had slid to a stop on both feet and her left hand her right was busy holding a short sword. He was even more surprised to recognize the uniform of the girl. She was wearing the unmistakable clothes of a leaf village anbu black ops specialist captain.
He could recognize them easily as he had once worn the same thing. Except she was missing her protective arm guards and her clothes were dirty. Her extremely long blonde hair was up in a high ponytail and braided though it still managed to reach her waist. Her mask that of a cat was still firmly in place. For some reason however, even as another figure came crashing out from among the trees and slashed at her making her parry with her short sword, she looked and sounded vaguely familiar. What was it?
However Itachi didn't get to figure it out with the skill of a huntress she had leapt into the air towards her opponent. A man Itachi recognized from Hidans bingo book. Uzumi Matsumoto, a johnin level rogue from the hidden cloud who specialized in hand to hand combat and poison.
What compelled him to do it he didn't know but he found himself seizing the neck of Uzumi and throwing him through the air at a tree.
"What!" He yelled in anger sitting up. "Damn Akutsuki! Uchiha I had her whyd you interfere!"
Itachi turned his cool mangekyo Sharingan on him. His right hand was currently using a kunai to block the female ninjas blade. She quickly leapt back and away from him however.
"Itachi." That was it, he knew her voice but yet it sounded different who was she?
He didn't have time to ponder it yet again as Uzumi had stood up again. Itachi's eyes took in with surprise his battered and bloodied form even as Uzumi was cursing him out in a rage.
"Be quiet I saved your life. Her blade would have gone straight through your heart while yours would have barely nicked her cheek."
"What are you talking about I had her if you hadn't interfered-"
"You would have died still under her genjutsu." Interrupted Itachi turning his Sharingan eyes on the emotionless ninja who was standing on a free branch observing him from behind her mask.
"Gen jutsu-"
"Take a close look at her the cuts and injuries upon her they are all fake she's actually a full tree branch higher than what you see." Stated Itachi and indeed the jutsu released and Uzumi looked absolutely shocked to see a completely clean completely unharmed ninja crouched two tree branches above Itachi and himself as they stood on the road.
"Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I bet you saw through my jutsu the whole time." She stated sounding completely calm and unfazed.
"What but how-"
"Since the beginning of our little battle I figured a ninja like yourself proud and strong would prefer to die thinking he had actually had a chance and put up a great fight then realizing he was hopelessly well uh should we say outmatched and hopeless? Especially since I'm immune to the poison your so very proudly crafted yourself." She suggested sitting down on her branch one leg swinging beneath her. That voice it was ringing a bell in Itachis memory but of what or whom?
"You-" uzumis face contorted in rage. A battle ensued well more like Uzumi jumped at her with a screaming yell only before he reached her a sword thrust through his chest. The world melted at least it did for one set of eyes as his head turned around to see a white cat mask behind him rather than in front like he had thought.
Uzumi's dead body hit the floor and the female figure landed on her feet upon the branch Uzumi had believed her to be sitting on.
"A gen jutsu within a genjutsu impressive." Stated Itachi who had seen through it the moment she had spoken his name. She kept her back facing towards him.
"I'm not here to fight with you." She stated.
"Is that so."
"Next time stay out of it I'm not foolish enough to let him get me that easily besides you really messed up my jutsu. Now I won't report you to my commander if you don't interfere again. Excuse me-"
"Wait." He wasn't sure why he was talking so much today nor why he stopped her. It would be stupid to ask her name she wouldn't give that to him and he knew it too. Her pale white mask with red markings looked at him from over her shoulder as she paused crouched and ready to spring to the next tree. So he went with the first thing besides that that came to mind. "So it's true that the leaf has sent out a me. to eliminate the missing nin from the forest."
It was more of a statement than a question and he wanted to sigh at his own stupidity.
"I've been here for this long and you've only now realized this?" She demanded she sounded almost disappointed in him. "You're losing your edge Itachi."
And with that she was springing away through the trees. Leaving Itachi both feeling humiliated and annoyed. Who was she? And why was she so familiar?

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