Gai or Guy Sensei one shot ~ Like mother like daughter

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"You mean to tell me..." A shadowy figure stepped out from the shadow of the mast her body shaking. As she stepped into the moonlight Gai's eyes bugged out. "I dropped everything and rushed over here to make sure you were ok because you accidentally used a summoning jutsu and sent us a accidental SOS!" She looked furious.

"Natalia?" He gasped tears filling his eyes at the sight of her. She was beautiful that's for sure. Her hair was light silver blue like her father Dan Kato she had his bright intense green eyes as well. While she normally had his calmer yet more enthusiastic personality she had her mother Lady Tsunade's temperament. Her physique was also more like her mothers, she had a extremely busty chest with tiny waist and nice sized bum she was shorter her head just reaching Gai's nose. Her outfit was like her mothers ninja uniform when she was in her twenty's with the exception her top was that of a ninja vest much of her cleavage showing as she didn't zipper it up fully and paired with a shorter version of her mothers old scarlet skirt. On her feet were scarlet lace up boots to her knees, and she had on a pair of fingerless black gloves. Her long hair was up in a high ponytail her bangs hanging into her eyes. A glowering scowl was across her red lips.

"NA-TA-LIE!" Yelled Gai in his dramatic way and leapt towards her crying. She closed her eyes body rigid hands balled into fists.


Except the sound wasn't what the others had expected when they opened their eyes the scene was very different from the one they had expected. For one Natalie hadn't been sent crashing into the ground a over active Gai on top nor into the wall and two Gai was laying sprawled out on the deck with a dopey look on his face splintering floorboards around his head and a softball sized lump on his cranium.

"YOU MORON!" Natalia fumed angrily her eyes slits. "Do you even realize what trouble you put us through! I went as far as having big sis transfer me to this mission as a guard I was so worried! You-you-"

The noise of agony from Gai was enough to awake Naruto bellow deck.

"So you're here to stay Natalia?" Asked Yamato. Natalia stopped holding Gai in a painful wrestling pose and got up dusting herself off and shooting him one last glare at the jonin before turning to Yamato.

"Yes sir here's Lady Tsunades letter of approval." She handed him a rolled up scroll.

"Thanks well it's good to have you we need someone to keep mr acorn here under control." He said with a smile looking over the scroll.

"Mr Acorn?" She asked looking confused.

"Ahhh-" Gai panicked and raced over but it was too late.

"Oh!" Laughed Natalia as Aoba whispered it in her ear.

"YOU TOLD HER!" Yelled Gai betrayed. Kakashi was laughing at his friends expense.

"Relax," said Natalia amused at his antics as he blew up and began becoming over dramatic again. "It's not like it's that size anymore. So why are you embarrassed?"

"Wait Natalie how would you know that it's not that way anymore?" Asked Kakashi eyes widening in surprised curiosity.

"Because I've seen it how else?" She said as though it was the obvious thing in the world.

"YOUVE WHAT!" They yelled.

"Shut up Narutos gonna wake up!" She hushed them though her cheeks were pink. Gai was scarlet with embarrassment.

"Natalia we don't have a seperate room for you I'm afraid so you'll have to bunk with Naruto and the rest of us if that's alright." Stated Yamato.

"That's fine not the first time we've all slept together on a mission right Aoba." She said with a smile thinking back to old missions.

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