Kakashi Hatake one shot ~ Thank you...

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"Kakashi sensei-" Naruto ran smack into something that let out a loud eep as they tumbled to the ground. When he got up head smarting a bit Naruto was surprised to see his older sister beneath him.

"Oww what was that for Naruto?" She moaned sitting up and rubbing the back of her head.

"Haha sorry about that Aiko!" Laughed Naruto pulling his sister to her feet. "What are you doing out dressed like that!"

Aiko who's blonde hair was curled looked at him through her long lashes. She was wearing a tight fit black dress that came to about mid thigh. The dress was halter top which only added to his sisters busting chest. Her tiny waist but shapely hips and tush made it even more noticeable.

"I'm going out with the girls." She grumbled dusting off her rear end. "If you're looking for Kakashi Naruto he just left a little while ago."

"Thanks si-" a hand grabbed his collar stopping him from running away.

"Why were you looking at our place for him in the first place?" She asked pointing at the door beside them that led into their medium sized joint apartment.

"Because he's always with you." Stated Naruto as though it was obvious. His sister turned pink before letting to of him.

"I-I'm just going to go meet up with the girls." She fixed her skirt one last time before setting off for wherever she was going high heels clicking as she walked.

"Have fun!" Called Naruto waving as he raced off again.

It wasn't weird for him that his sister and sensei were going out and even if it was he wouldn't have complained...much. After all Aiko had been the only person he had growing up despite her only being ten when he was born and eleven when their parents died she had taken care of him raised him best she could, balancing home life with missions chunin exams and even jonin. Aiko had always managed to make sure they had whatever they needed. He was indebted to her forever because of it, he knew she often had found difficulties and suffered for it just to pull through for him, so for him to be ok with her dating Kakashi was a no brainer especially since it made her so happy. Oddly it even made his teacher very happy.

"Naruto how are you?" Sai asked cheerfully as the boy reached the practice area.

"Well look who's late." Stated Sakura.

"Hey it's not my fault I was trying to find Kakashi sensei when I ran into Aiko so she wanted to know what I was doing and-"

"Aiko huh?" Of course Kakashi appeared at the mention of her.

"Yeah she was just on her way out to some girls night." Stated Naruto rubbing his head.

"Wait if she was just going out what the heck were you doing running into her your place is on the other side of town!" Cried Sakura getting angry. Team Guy and team Shikamaru who were joining them for the day laughed.

"No wonder you were late!" Laughed Lee.

"I was looking for Kakashi sensei!" Cried Naruto "He's always with Aiko these days so I thought I'd check to see if he was there!"

"What! I am not!" Scoffed Kakashi blushing behind his mask. He wasn't even paying attention to his stupid pervy book.

"Really so that's where he's been?" Demanded Guy who had been searching for his rival for the usual reasons.

"Oh yeah!" Yelled Naruto loudly "Theyre practically inseperable! Kakashi Sensei is always hanging around her wherever she goes."

"I do-"

"Now now Kakashi there's no point denying it! Yes after all we've all seen you with her at some point! Always acting like such a gentleman but then again I would expect nothing more from my rival!" Guy was burning up again much to Tenten and Nejis utter exasperation and anguish.

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