Sasuke One Shot ~ The other Uchiha

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Luna Uchiha

Black hair

Green eyes

Body shape perfect thin hour glass big chest

Chakra element fire and earth

"Where's Danzo?" Growled Sasuke. Karin pointed. Indeed sitting there upon the bride where all could see was Danzo. Sasuke leapt forward but when he moved to strike a shadow flashed up from underneath the bridge and he barely had time to block its attack. His feet skidded as he landed again staring or more like glaring up at the figure standing across from him separating him from Danzo.

The figure was female and absolutely gorgeous even Sasuke completely bent on his revenge was surprised at her beauty. Her black hair was up in a high pony tail then braided still managing to reach her lower back. Two small pieces of hair hung down in front of either ear and her bangs hung into her dark green eyes.

Her uniform was a black shirt with black vest and black leggings with black shorts over top. She was the perfect assassin with her black fingerless gloves as well.

"Who are you?" Snapped Sasuke. She ignored the question favoring one of her own.

"Are you Itachi or Madara?" She demanded harshly a scowl upon her perfect lips. Sasuke was taken aback by this as she held out a kunai in a blocking position.

"Answer me!" She growled at him.

Sasuke decided he would answer though he didn't understand why his gut told him to.

"I'm Sasuke Sasuke Uchiha." He stated a look flashed through her eyes and he grew more curious about her but first he had to kill Danzo he could worry about her later. "Now get out of my way." He struck at her with a kunai trying to scare her off but she merely scowled and blocked.

"Not until you tell me where to find Madara Uchiha!" She retorted. Sasuke struck at her and she dodged with ease. They exchanged blows neither landing a hit but Sasuke was surprised at how close she was getting. he activated his Sharingan. Finally managing to land a kick to her ribs knocking her back always but she rose again.

"Why do you care?" Asked Sasuke as he blocked her next attack.

"Because he killed my family! Him and Itachi! I'll kill them both!" She hissed the rage that filled her eyes startled the Uchiha enough to release her from the hold he had her in. "It's there fault that everyone died and I will get my revenge!" Her eyes shifted and Sasuke was struck dumb as the Sharingan appeared in her eyes. He barely dodged her punch.

"You your eyes your an Uchiha." Stated Sasuke stopping his fight to merely stand and watch her.

"Yeah I am." She straightened staring across at him aswell. "My names Luna, Luna Uchiha."

"But that's impossible all the others were slain!" Cried Sasuke mind reeling. His eyes looked at her incredulously.

"Not all." She told him crouching down kunai ready.

"What will be your move Sasuke?" Asked Danzo "Will you kill the only other member of your clan just like your brother? Though I doubt even you can beat her." Anger flashed through Sasuke at this and his resolve hardened.

"Like you can talk about him. Your the one who ordered him to kill the entire clan! It was you and the village elders that made him seek out madara Uchiha and kill the rest of the uchihas! All to save face instead of confronting their coup de ta!"

Luna looked confused then annoyed. "What are you talking about Itachi and Madara killed our clan! They slaughtered everyone and left us all alone! Itachi-"

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