Kisame Hoshigaki One shot ~ Sharky's princess

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Naruto's twin sister
Blonde curly hair to her knees with side swept bangs like Kushina their mother
Blue eyes just like Naruto
Same height as Naruto
Lacks the whisker like markings on her face
Tends to wear her hair up in a high pony tail with a white head band behind her bangs

"Hey Mai earth to Mai come in Mai..." I jumped as a hand waved in front of my face.
The sound of laughter as i spluttered out a random history answer made me blush.
"Nice try Mai but class is over." Laughed Tenten.
"Besides," drawled Shikamaru from in front of my desk looking as though he wished he was sleeping. "History was two periods ago."
"How would you know you probably slept through it!" Accused Temari making all of us smile or laugh. They made an odd but cute couple.
"Seriously Mai you might be a genius but even so you should still pay attention in class." Harped Sakura with a concerned expression.
"Yeah I know I just was day dreaming again I got lost in thought." I admitted sheepishly.

"And yet you still have better grades than this idiot." Scoffed Sasuke from his seat beside me. Sasuke and I had a Uh unique relationship. We had been friends growing up, or more I had been the mediator between his and Narutos arguements and fights for a while before Sasuke and I became friends. Then during our sophomore and junior years in high school we somehow ended up dating and becoming an item before we both decided we were better off as just friends.
We now had a teasing best friend slash sibling relationship which was odd because of our history and the fact that he and Naruto always managed to get along like oil and water.
"What were you dreaming about anyway?" Asked Naruto rubbing his lump after a small arguement with Sasuke that Sakura quickly settled by punching them both on the head.
"Oh nothing." I purposefully kept my eyes away from the window beside me.
"Oh-ho-ho looking at the older kids never woulda pegged you for the type to go after college guys." Said Ino with a maliciously devious expression. I hated my fair skin because instantly heat flushed my face.
"N-n-no it's not like that!" I protested but Sasuke leaned around me to glance out the window and I panicked.
"Let's go get some food Im starving." Complained Choji.
"Yeah me too I say we go to Ichiraku ramen!" Pipped up Narutoinstantly being picked on by the others aside from Choji and Shikamaru for his extremely obvious choice.I quickly gathered up my stuff and Sasuke followed suit.
"Now Im going to guess the source of your daydreaming and the reason for your blush isn't my brother seeing as you've been around him a million times at our house before." The flat yet amused tone whispering in my ear from behind made me jump. Sasuke smirked as I could feel my face turning the color of my mothers hair.
"Of course not! Itachis as much a brother in my eyes as he is in yours!" I protested as we walked a small distance away from the group.
"So what exactly was so interesting out the window?" Asked Sasuke as we stepped out into gorgeously bright and warm sunlight. Instantly I felt my eyes be drawn towards the otherside of the fountain that was centered between the two huge building on either side of us and the entrance to the grounds before us. "Or should I say who?"
"Shhh!" I said but it wasn't necessary the sound of yelling in front of us told me exactly what had just happened was exactly what I had hoped wouldnt."Naruto!" I rushed to the front of the group as did Sasuke. Naruto was picking himself up off the ground.
"Hey what-"
"Damn Akatsuki!" Cursed Naruto glaring at the group who made their way over from the fountain.
"Now now shouldnt kiddies like you be back at home?" Taunted a blonde with a malicious smile who I instantly recognized as Deidara.
"And shouldn't you be in-"
"That's enough!" I stepped between the two groups placing a hand on Narutos chest to hold him back despite his pissed expression."But he-"
"Naruto I don't care what he said the last thing anyone needs is another fight on their permanent record." I reminded him and the others.
"Unecessary violence right now would be regrettable." Sighed Gaara. Naruto scowled if even Gaara was saying it then we should walk away.
I also had noticed that out of all of us who had been in the classroom only Ino, Sai, Lee, Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Tenten, Gaara, and Kankuro were here. The rest must have gone ahead to the barbecue to reserve seats.
Saddly the entire Akatsuki gang of Akatsuki college was here today. We had one more member than they did but that was only if we didn't count Nagato who was probably off somewhere hidden from our sight but was really control what decisions Pein made through text or ear wig we'd never figured out which.
"Yeah that's right listen to the little kitty freak and run away you're still far to weak to challenge us!" Declared Deidara. Why'd he have to do that?! It's not like I could help it my hair behind my headband stuck out oddly in a way that made it look like I had cat or more accurately fox ears.
"Says the cross dressing art geek." Scoffed Sasuke moving forward and plopping his hand on my head.
"Sasuke it's fine ignore-"
"You!" Deidara's expression became livid. "Should've known you'd be hidding behind your girlfriend Sasuke too afraid to face me?!"
"Deidara..." Warned Itachi, he too had gotten into scuffs with our group before however, he usually avoided hurting us and usually tried to defuse the situation often taking a hostage until everyone cooled off before releasing them and convincing the Akatsuki to leave if I failed to convince our side. It must be hard for him and Sasuke but then again the way Sasuke always got into these fights with Deidara and Kakuzu made me wonder if he didn't care because Itachi would always forgive him.
A few more insults were thrown back and forth as I tried to get my side to back down. My eyes met a pair of interested amused eyes and I paused in push Sasuke and Naruto back to look at them transfixed.
"-why you!" The punch that missed Sasuke or Naruto by a long shot hit me straight on right under my eye. It hurt pretty damn bad and I yelped holding my face and releasing my hold on the now shocked and furious duo.
"THATS IT! NO BODY TOUCHES MY BABY SISTER!" Roared Naruto. I didn't even get the chance to remind him that he was only older by a few minutes before havoc broke free.
I found myself turning in the fight dodging out of the way of both friend and enemy attacks. I ended up bumping into something which turned out to be a someones back. Out of instinct they whirled and swung. The sound of clanging metal rang through the school yard as sword grinded against dagger. I was shocked to see who it was as he pulled his blade away from mine.
"Heh look who it is." He grinned and for once it wasn't his vicious one. I blushed embarrassed. Man was he huge compared to me. I readied my long dagger and got into my stance. "Little kittens got spunk."
"Kisame it's time to leave." Apparently the fight had ended quickly. Teachers were pulling the students apart. Kakashi had Naruto in a head lock while Jiraiya was softly but firmly telling off the older Akatsuki members.
"This isn't the end Shippuden!" I found it funny that at one point they had all attended Shippuden high school. They were now considered the only rival gang that actually posed a threat to ours, well we really weren't a gang more like a motley assortment of friends my brother had brought together that fought together. Actually thinking about the fact I carried a knife with me and the others carried an assortment of weapons I guess you could call us a gang especially since we really only fought other gangs.
"See you around Mai." This caught me by surprise as Kisame winked before strolling off however I was quickly distracted by Sasuke and Naruto."Are you alright? Did he hurt you?"
"What were you thinking getting involved like that idiot?" I glared at Sasuke for calling me an idiot but shook my head.
"Im fine I blocked his swing in time." I shrugged grateful for Sasuke's brutal sword training afterall.
"Idiot leave the fighting to us next time." They both said together before glaring at one another.
"Let's just go eat okay?" I asked "I'll patch all you guys up once we get there."
We all headed for Barbecue after a long lecture from our senseis until I thought Iruka and Yamato were going to have aneurysms. Once at the shop we quickly explained to the others what had held us up. The pair from team seven got a few good whacks from Sakura while Temari and Ino whacked the others.
"You know it's a real shame our powers are limited on school grounds otherwise we'd be able to avoid or shut down these fights already." Sighed Neji from beside Tenten as I bandaged up a few scratches Sasuke had before wrapping Narutos bashed up knuckles.
"Yeah but the Akatsuki also have special abilities remember that." I warned.
"I-it's t-true theyre v-very strong." Stuttered Hinata.
"So what we could take em! Right Akamaru?!" Demanded Kiba.
"It wouldn't be that simple besides we'd only end up with more damage on our hands." Said Sasuke.
"You shoulda remembered that before picking a fight with them." I said scowling at him but I was ignored.
"Even so when we're in the village our skills are still limited to a certain point to make it hard for us to cause to much destruction." Sighed Gaara dryly.
"Well that's not going to last long we have that summer training trip over the summer break with the college too." Remarked Shikamaru.
"Oh yay great!" I wanted to just sink into a hole right here and now.

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