Chapter Thirteen: Onboarding

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"And here's your last pamphlet, dear. Your health information for St. Mungo's is inside."

"Thank you," Gwen murmured as she thumbed through the thick booklet with dulled enthusiasm.

Despite the lack of excitement that most new hires tended to display, Rozanne gave her a smile.

"Your paycheck will come on the first and fifteenth of the month. It'll be directly deposited into your Gringott's account. I'm assuming that your own personal vault will be the preferred location? Or would you rather deposit your check into the Doge family vault?"

"Personal vault, please."

Rozanne scribbled some things down on a scroll before looking up. She wore a cheery smile.

"Has Headmaster Dumbledore shown you the classroom yet? Perhaps Deputy Headmaster Hollingshead can if he's busy."

No, he hasn't.

"Yes, he did."

"And your quarters?"

"My quarters?"

"Yes, you're living quarters and faculty office will be on the second floor, south wing. It's located off of the second-floor corridor, near a staircase to the first-floor corridor. You can't possibly miss it. It's an ideal location, very central and while be it a wee bit small, I think you will find it homey."

A tricky sort of curiosity bloomed in her. She almost asked if another faculty member had occupied Professor Merrythought's large sixth floor office—after all, if she was going to be blackmailed in this position, she might as well make the most out of it.

Gwen stopped herself short.

That would certainly be information that she shouldn't know as the niece of Elphias Doge, who happened to be educated at Ugadou, not Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

She gave Rozanne, the onboarding specialist, a small smile. "Thank you for all of your help."

As she began to collect her things, Rozanne moved to the door and opened it politely.

"Of course, thank you for stopping by. Please do let me know if there's anything else I can help you with."

Gwen joined her and moving toward the door.

"Oh," Rozanne paused as she suddenly thought of something. Her narrow eyes looked up at Gwen, soft and kind as her smile. "If Albus has forgotten to mention it, the first month's lessons will be due this coming Sunday, before school begins."

Gwen raised a questioning brow. She wasn't entirely shocked by the surprise. "Yes, he did fail to mention that."

Rozanne let out a breathy chuckle. "Brilliant man, he is, but certainly not the best communicator. Not that Armando was either."

Gwen's lip twitched, but she maintained her façade. She decided she liked Rozanne.

"Thank you. Have a swell day."

"You as well, dear!"

Gwen's faculty robes draped around her as she paraded down the hall, absent mindedly flicking through the resource pamphlet Rozanne had given her. It felt strange to wear such long, heavy garments again. As a student, she had never paid much mind to the faculty's attire. It was black and boring.

And now she knew, extremely heavy.

With every step she took, it flowed gently around her.

She thumbed to the next page. A section on benefits and sabbatical. Legal jargon. A reference to Rapport's Law. Faculty expectations around romantic conduct.

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