Chapter Seven: Magical Musings

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Gwen had spent the past nights in isolation.

She made sure to return to the dormitories as late as possible after doing her prefect duties, not wanting to find Jane awake. Simon did his best to talk to her during their shared History of Magic class, however, any conversation was typically awkward and forced. Simon treated Gwen as well as he could, but he did have loyalties to Jane.

They had known since they were first years and had met during the Sorting Ceremony. Simon was being kind by not completely turning his back on her, as she knew many would if their dearest friend had a spat with someone. Gwen was not angry with him.

She understood. She was beginning to become used to being alone.

It was the middle of the school week, and ever since the beginning of the second term, Wednesday was a day where classes were cut short. Students only had to attend each class for forty minutes.

On Wednesdays, the students of Hogwarts rushed out of their last class to make plans with their friends. The younger students typically arranged for games to be played in their Common Rooms. Others held club meetings in the Great Hall or arranged study groups.

Many of the older students made their way down for a midweek trip to Hogsmeade before the start of the weekend to spend their evening with a significant other or stock up on parchment for the remaining days of the week; it was something the Headmaster had allowed for the first time this year. Professor Dippet had made it so that once a student turned in a permission for one Hogsmeade trip with a guardian's signature, they didn't need to turn in another one again in order to leave the grounds.

Only third year students and above were allowed to go, with the permission of a parent or guardian. Staff of Hogwarts could come too, but they could also visit any time they wanted.

Gwen had no intention to go to Hogsmeade, although she was in desperate need of new quills. She knew for a fact that Jane was going to be there, Simon had told her that. And although Gwen knew Jane was not much of a gossiper, she was someone who held grudges and would make it known. The other girls that occupied the Ravenclaw dormitory, Loucille, Camila and Ruth, already knew about the bad blood between Jane and Gwen.

Of course, Camila and Ruth took Jane's side. They had never cared much for Gwen, she was a newcomer and apparently threatened their popularity with boys since she attracted attention from the opposite sex.

Their reveries with Gwen absolutely ended after The Fountain of Fair Fortune. The two girls complained about the smell of smoke saturating their school robes while sending snide looks Gwen's way for nearly two weeks after the incident.

There were many other instances where the two girls acted callous, of course.

Loucille, a quiet girl who was typically civil with Gwen, had even started avoiding her. Perhaps she thought Gwen brought about too much drama or she just decided to support Jane, whom she had known longer—Gwen didn't know.

Instead of making her argument with Jane a bigger deal than it was, Gwen decided to keep her space.

She decided to retreat to the library. It was her sanctuary in a sense. She enjoyed the silence and solitude. Most the older students would be out and about at Hogsmeade, and Gwen didn't wish to have any more encounters, whether it be with the Black cousins or Jane.

After all, she still had to train the Knights of Walpurgis that night in the Room of Requirement during her prefect duties.


The library was not the happening place at Hogwarts on Wednesday nights. It was a place for the so-called "swots" of the school, those who studied too hard, were never seen outside of their school attire, and were supposedly socially inept.

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