Chapter Thirty: The Voice of Reason

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The chatter that filled the Common Room was an unusual occurrence for the Ravenclaw students. Typically, the Common Room was used as a place of study, akin to a library, but on this day, voices echoed off of the sloping tower walls with fervor. Students stood in clusters, gathered around a single object of interest.

Gwen ambled down the stairs of the girls' dormitory and ignored the wary stares she received as she walked across the room. Some students had still not gotten over the rumors about her supposed tie to Dark magic, and many avoided interaction with her at all costs out of fear.

However, she could still count on Simon and Jane to include her in their musings. Even Benedict had eventually come around with convincing from his best mate. Luckily, Simon was an effective communicator.

Gwen made her way over to the small group. They congregated under the large bust of Rowena Ravenclaw, perched precariously on the blue chaise chairs. Benedict held the newspaper, The Daily Prophet, in his hand and his mouth turned out the latest scoop at a mile a minute.

"British Muggles fear espionage by Nazi spies! It says here that "British Muggles worry about enemy agents operating from within the country!" Oh, look here!" He pointed to a smaller column. "'What the Well-Dressed German Wears." Apparently, a Nazi spy can be identified by his shabby, badly worn coat with broken buttons. Who knew!"

Simon shook his russet haired head. "Don't buy into it, mate. They're just trying to sell their propaganda!"

Jane pursed her lips. "But what if there are Nazi spies in the British government? I've heard that some Germans have been deported to Canada or Australia. There must be good reason behind it for the government to do that!"

The muggle-born seemed to be especially worried about the War. After all, her parents had emigrated from Austria several years before she was born. Right now, their home country was overtaken by the Third Reich. And to be associated in anyway with Germany was not a good thing.

Benedict shrugged. "It's not like we'd be able to do anything. Sure, the Minister of Magic is in touch with Winston Churchill, but when it boils down to it, the magical community can't do anything about the War. The more important thing we should be focusing on is the fact that Grindelwald is gaining ground! Look at this!" he exclaimed to the large article that dominated the front page.

"I've heard," sighed Simon, "he's made influence in Denmark. Apparently, he's very close to gathering a full army; the Danish Wizard Resistance isn't too fond of Hitler, so they're looking to Grindelwald to solve their problems."

Gwen stiffened. She had not been in touch with anyone from the Court since she saw Griffith. Her grandfather was gathering bodies, people that supported the cause of the Greater Good. And she stood idly, gossiping about Muggle affairs in the Common Room.

"Like that will end much better," Benedict snorted.

"Perhaps it will," Gwen piped up defensively.

She felt inclined to fend off snide remarks about her family, it was only instinct. Benedict stared blankly at her, not attached to the topic enough to initiate an argument. However, painful silence grew around the group. But as noise continued to build up in the Common Room, it became obvious that the other students were all aware of Grindelwald's movements as well.

"I've heard that Professor Dippet is calling a meeting this morning in the Great Hall," Jane said to clear the tension as she picked at the cushion of the blue chaise chair. "We're supposed to be gathered in the Entrance Hall by eight o'clock."

"The man wants to give Riddle another award, does he?" Simon asked with an unamused scoff. "Brilliant."

Jane shoved him playfully. "Simon," she rebuffed mockingly, "don't be jealous just because you didn't get a Special Services to the School Award." She smirked. "After all, there's always next year!"

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