Chapter Thirty-Two: Winter's Welcome

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The feast to celebrate the end of school and the start of winter break was splendid. A large Christmas tree stood like a majestic guardian at the front of the room, ornaments of all colors dangling off of its branches. The smell of fresh pine and delicious baked goods wafted through the air. The scent of nutmeg was extremely enticing as Gwen approached the Ravenclaw table.

Simon sat sipping on a mug of what looked to be hot cocoa. Jane sat next to him with Benedict Fawley at her side. Gwen took a seat, and the freckled boy immediately offered her a mug identical to Simon's.

"It'll keep you warm when you go back to Norway," he joked, extending the cup of warm liquid.

"Is that right?" Gwen smiled as she gingerly took the mug from his hands. She raised it to her lips and took a sip. Immediately, she raised a questioning brow.

"It's spiked eggnog," Jane explained.

Suddenly, Simon spat out his beverage in a dramatic display of dripping messiness. Gwen scooched away from him as Jane and Benedict laughed at his expense.

"Bloody Hell, Benedict!" he griped as he wiped his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"So we could enjoy this very moment, of course!" Benedict laughed.

A sudden flash went off and the group looked up, surprised to see Archie McKinnon standing there with a camera. A blush crept over Simon's face as Archie loomed over him, smirking down at his stained sweater.

"Can't hold your liquor, Selwyn? What a shame," the Gryffindor teased lightheartedly. "Looks as though the ladies will have to pour themselves a drink. Anyways, what are your lots plans for holidays? Obviously no holiday parties," he sniggered.

"I'm headed home to London. Hanukkah begins on the twenty-second!" Jane said excitedly.

It was all she had been talking about the past week.

"My family is vacationing in Switzerland," Benedict announced. "My father wants to get away from the War. He's been stressed out at work lately because he's been dealing with a heavy workload since the Minister is constantly meeting with Churchill. His position holds a great deal of responsibility over the Statute of Secrecy. And with Grindelwald's raids, he hasn't had much of a chance to relax lately."

"Ah! Sounds like an enjoyable time. What about you, Gwen? Do you have any plans?" Archie looked at the blonde haired girl expectedly.

Gwen flinched ever so slightly at the sudden question. The mention of her grandfather had distracted to her, and she now had to reel her attention back to the current conversation.

"I'm going to spend the holidays with family. I'm not entirely sure what that entails."

Archie laughed. "Your family sounds like mine! Never know what is going to happen next! Well," he said, "I hope you all have a Happy Christmas! I'll see you after the New Year!"

Archie's departure signified the start of dinner. Festive commotion sprang up from every corner of the room as food appeared on the tables. Slowly, Gwen grabbed a plate and loaded up on potatoes, asparagus, and a small turkey leg. Simon tucked into a delicious looking roast while Jane eagerly smothered butter onto her bread roll.

The Great Hall possessed a festive aura as students from all the houses enjoyed the candied yams and honey baked hams that the House Elves so skillfully prepared for the feast. All around, students eagerly chatted away as they helped themselves to a delicious meal. It was quite noisy in the dining hall, but not unbearably so. The noise was welcomed, like a warm blanket that made you feel toasty inside.

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