Chapter Nine: The Alchemy Lesson

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That Thursday was extremely slow. Classes at Hogwarts were rounding out the academic school year with a heavy amount of course work for sixth years, no doubt because of the approaching N.E.W.T.S. Many students had begun to cram in preparation for the tests that were going to take place during their seventh year of schooling, only to predictably forget the information over summer.

Simon had been particularly on edge because the Ministry of Magic would only accept Auror applicants with at least five N.E.W.T.s with top grades of either 'Outstanding' or 'Exceeds Expectations'. He had even begun to bring textbooks to the dinner table, flipping pages with one hand while spooning peas and carrots into his mouth with the other.

He even went as far as having his nose in a book while walking to class. Of course, this didn't mix well with his clumsy nature and the currently crowded doorway into Alchemy class.

"Watch it, Selwyn!" Abraxas Malfoy barked as Simon stepped on the blonde's lavish looking loafers.

Simon looked up from his textbook with his wide owl-like eyes. When his gaze landed on Malfoy's face, his expression morphed into one of surprise.

"What happened to your nose, Malfoy?" he asked curiously, his nose wrinkling at the unsightly bruising.

"Ask me again, and you're nose will look even worse," the other boy threatened.

Abraxas Malfoy's shrewd eyes floated over Simon's shoulder. Gwen's narrowed stare caused the Slytherin to sharply turn his attention away and quickly shuffle into the classroom. She scoffed.

"Don't worry, Simon. Even after a beating, your nose would never be as big as Malfoy's on his best day."

Simon's cheeks flushed red and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "You sure scared him off though. One look at you and he headed for the hills. He must've remembered the thrashing you gave my brother during your duel."

Gwen smirked. "Oh, I assure you he does."

Simon smiled as they took their seats. Benedict now sat next to Yasmin, who decided to pick up the class halfway through term because Benedict begged her. She didn't seem to like Alchemy much, she'd often complain about it at the dinner table. However, she must have thought that the opportunity to spend more time with Benedict was worth the bore.

Tom strode into class flanked by his Knights. Gwen caught several of them looking at her, but as she raised a questioning brow, they quickly looked down and took their seats. Tom didn't even acknowledge her. She had to fight off the urge to roll her eyes.

It was a couple of moments before the students settled in and Professor Dumbledore took his place at the front of the classroom.

"Good afternoon, class," he greeted as he dusted off his spectacles before adjusting them on his long and crooked nose.

Gwen immediately felt a qualm of nervousness surge through her. She felt very uneasy after Dumbledore saw her and Tom walking side by side in the hallway the other night. She suspected he was suspicious of them as she hadn't spoken to him about watching over Tom in quite some time. Perhaps he thought they were together now, since he had often caught them stealing glances at one another during class. She shook the thought from her head as he spoke again.

"Today's lesson will a bit different from others. I do hope that's alright."

He looked around the room for any objections, catching Gwen's eye over his half-moon spectacles. She did not react and merely held his gaze, hoping she didn't look like she was melting into a puddle of nerves. When the class did not object, he continued.

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