Chapter Two: Defense Against the Dark Arts

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The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was exceptionally bright as the winter sunlight blazed through the large glass windows. Gwen stood stiffly to the side of the room, surrounded by her fellow students, most of whom seemed very excited about today's lesson. Professor Merrythought stood directly underneath the iron chandelier that hung from the ceiling, her long hair pulled back in a French braid.

"I hope all of you received the message I sent to you during breakfast this morning and have dressed appropriately," she said as she addressed the class. "We wouldn't want your school robes to be damaged by any spells cast during today's duels."

Gwen had pulled her hair back in the tight traditional bun worn by girls at Durmstrang. In order to maintain a commanding presence, it was mandatory for girl's to wear a uniform hairstyle. Boys sported short buzz cuts. Her brother, Griffith, was an exception. But of course, being a Metamorphmagus, he was able to change it to the mandatory style as soon as an authority figure came within vision.

"As you know," Professor Merrythought continued, "we have now entered the latter part of the school year. That means, you're nearly seventh years and your N.E.W.T.s are just around the corner! It is paramount that you all start preparing now so you can score as best as possible on your exams!"

Groans of grossly-anticipated complaints circulated around the classroom. No one wanted to think about N.E.W.T.s.

Professor Merrythought was amused by their reactions. "I can see that very few of you are actually looking forward to these exams, so I will change the subject back to the one you're all excited about: duelling! In order to for this activity to be safe, I've decided to pair you up. We unfortunately have an odd number of students in this class."

A piece of parchment floated over with a flick of her wand. Professor Merrythought began reading aloud.

"Isabel Yarrow versus Yasmin Chana."

The two girls looked at each other timidly, offering small smiles.

Students instantly began chatting with their friends, excited about the prospect to show-off their knowledge.

"Milton Rosier versus Delbert Pucey."

Rosier, one of Tom's goons, looked arrogantly over at the Hufflepuff boy and flashed his teeth in an attempt to look intimidating. The gesture was ignored by Delbert.

"Felicity Mumps versus Dorothy Dupont."

Gwen looked at the girl Simon had taken to Madam Puddifoot's in exchange for the essay on the American Wizarding Confederacy. She grimaced slightly as the girl noisy wiped her running nose of her sleeve.

"Abraxas Malfoy versus Theodore Nott."

The two boys grinned wolfishly at each other. Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Archie McKinnon versus Tom Riddle."

Archie immediately protested. "Professor, you're kidding me! You said that you paired us up in order to be safe! What, in your warped mind, are you thinking?"

Professor Merrythought chuckled before turning stoney faced. "This is your punishment for being an obnoxious pain yesterday during the Quidditch Match. Next time, I hope you think before you speak!"

Archie groaned, predicting his obvious defeat, as the class broke out in laughter. Hoots and hollers could be heard cheering Archie on while others attempted to belittle him.

"Guess, you really are Sir Luckless today, McKinnon!" Delbert Pucey called out smugly.

This caused the class to laugh harder, which didn't calm down for several minutes. Tom merely smirked.

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