Chapter Thirty-Five: Into the Woods

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Armando Dippet was a bloody idiot. Despite being a wiry old geezer of at least a ripe two-hundred-and-two, he possessed no wisdom whatsoever. How the man ever ascended to the title of Headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry was a mystery to Tom Riddle.

Must be nepotism... Parasitic bastard.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to stay at Hogwarts over the summer, Headmaster Dippet. Your kindness and generosity don't go unnoticed. I'm so lucky to have a wizard as well-informed and caring as you to look up to as a mentor."

He flashed a perfect smile while inwardly fighting the urge to roll his eyes and hex the man right then and there. It was all too easy to lure adults in with a charismatic grin and some compliments. Most of them had absolutely no moral standing to the point that they practically begged to have exploited.

"Oh Tom, it is my pleasure to have you. I would hate for you to go back to that muggle orphanage for the summer, not surrounded by any books and encircled by," the white-haired man coughed covertly, "those of lesser ambitions."

"I truly appreciate it," Tom bowed his head politely. That was one thing that they agreed on at least. Tom never wanted to see that blasted place again.

Dippet shuffled out of his seat, his big belly hitting his desk and nearly knocking over one of the cups that held his quills. "Give yourself some credit, my boy! You helped the school stay open by catching that dreaded half-blood. You saved me from a mighty fine mess with the Ministry—I'm indebted to you."

"Oh sheesh!"

Tom looked up as a rather sharp sounding cough was emitted from the wall of portraits that featured former headmasters and headmistresses.

A woman dressed in black robes and a large pointed witch's hat scoffed with narrowed. "Armando, you seem to have forgotten that a Ravenclaw witch was the one to help the petrified students. I see no mention of her."

"Oh Eupraxia, the saying "women are better seen, not heard" has never been truer until this moment. I am having a conversation with a talented young man, please do go and just sit pretty in your portrait like you're supposed to. Let the men talk!"

"You little shrew! I can't belie-"

"Just shut your trap," Dippet grumbled as he snapped his fingers.

While the man was old, he was still able to perform a simple silencing spell. He shook his head and sat up fully from his desk. "Now, where were we? I would like to head down for breakfast in the Great Hall, would you care to join me?"

Never had Tom been more unimpressed by the Headmaster than in that moment. "Thank you for the offer, but I must decline. I think I will head to the library to study some. I'd like to prepare early for the N.E.W.T.s."

"What a clever man! I am excited to see what you do as Head Boy next year—I'm sure you'll be one of the finest to walk these corridors. Your future is bright, young man!" Dippet chuckled. "Now stay out of trouble! There aren't any female students in the castle right now, but you don't have to get yourself involved with a woman to be in trouble! That's what I used to tell my Araminta!"

"Yes, Headmaster. I'll be sure to stay out of harm's way," Tom smirked.

If only Armando Dippet knew what Tom Riddle had planned for that summer.


"Were you able to deliver the note, Howdy? To the Slytherin table like I instructed?"

"Yes! Howdy put the note under Master Tom's goblet. He drank water. Howdy thinks he read it. When Howdy cleaned up, the letter was opened and a bit crumpled."

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