Chapter Three: The Time Table

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Gwendolyn was not, in the slightest way, used to sharing a bedroom with four other girls. The next morning, the silky petrol curtains did little to defend against the squawks and aggravated moans of teenage females trying to get ready for class. Gwen thought about how she would cast the silencing charm around her canopy if the noise got any worse.

However, the buzzing voices proved to be motivation to get out of bed—and reminded Gwen that she quite enjoyed waking up early. As she stretched and flicked the drapes away, the morning sun blinded her eyes with its beaming rays. Gwen blinked several times before her retinas adjusted to the influx of light. She then proceeded to stand when she managed to glimpse the view out of the diamond-paned window.

Sprawling grounds of green unfolded before her, featuring an excellent view of the school grounds, including the lake and surrounding mountains. She briefly acknowledged Jane, who now stood beside her, holding a neat folded pile of robes.

"The Forbidden Forest is over there in the distance, the Quidditch pitch is off to the left, and the Herbology gardens are directly below," the girl explained matter-of-factly. "And I have your robes right here. Professor Hollingshead dropped them by this morning."

"Did she happen to bring our time tables?" a girl asked from the other side of the room.

"No," Jane answered. "We have to go to the Great Hall to pick them up from Slughorn."

The girl's face scrunched up and she raised her wand to magically remove the rollers in her hair. "As long as he passes me in Potions!"

Jane shook her head as if to correct the girl, but turned to Gwen. "Hurry and change. We will be leaving for breakfast soon if you wish to join us."

Gwen nodded. She was not entirely sure she wanted to make a habit of joining the group of Ravenclaws for her first meal of the day. Gwen was not one to partake in the other girls' squabblings and didn't care much for gossip. She'd much rather be by herself. And she was eager to see her time table.

Hurriedly, she changed into her robes, left out the door of the dormitory, and went down the tight spiral staircase. Hogwarts was several stories larger than Durmstrang, but there were far less students enrolled at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, from what she witnessed that morning in the girl's dormitory, the students' chirpy attitudes made up for what they lacked in size of student body. And she had to admit that the décor of the Scottish castle was much more homey and uplifting than that of Durmstrang.

She again thought of sparkling blue eyes and the piece of textured paper in her pocket.

"Hello! Gwen? Gwen!"

Gwen looked over her shoulder to spot Simon, whose blue tie was not even tucked into his robes. His shoelaces were also untied, and Gwen was about to alert him of a possible mishap when the boy tripped over his own two feet. His glasses went flying off of his freckled nose, and his books went scattering to the floor. Gwen's eyes widened, and she moved to pick up Simon's belongings.

It was only polite.

"Oh," she murmured disdainfully. "Your glasses." She tapped the cracked eyeglasses with her wand, and Simon grinned himself stupid when she handed him his newly repaired lenses.

"Thanks," Simon said. He gathered his books and straightened himself.

Simon was a tall and extremely lanky sixteen year old boy. Gwen had already deduced that he was quite uncoordinated, but that wasn't very difficult to see. Papers stuck out of his large, leather-bound textbooks and the handwriting scribbled on his notes was nearly so small, it was illegible.

Gwen couldn't help but scoff. "Do they incorporate calligraphy into the curriculum?" she asked sarcastically, referring to the mess of letters.

His eyes followed her gaze, and he smiled sheepishly while running a hand through his hair. "Not quite. Are you headed down for breakfast? Can I accompany you?"

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