Chapter Eight: Black and Blue

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Tom and Gwen's excursion into Hogsmeade came to an end as soon as Tom realized that he needed to return to the castle to take care of some "personal matters." Whatever that meant, Gwen did not question it. She had grown wise enough not to pressure Riddle when he was trying to be evasive.

Conveniently, it was also due time for Gwen to return to the castle to tend to her prefect duties and head to the Room of Requirement to train the Knights of Walpurgis.

The two traveled in silence on the way back from the wizarding village. It was not a pressed or pregnant silence, but one that was comfortable, like a second-skin that stretched to envelope them in their own little world. Their breaths fell into synchronization and so did their steps. Their shadows seemed to reach for one another as they traversed the winding halls of Hogwarts.

Gwen felt a sharp sting of disappointment as Tom did not follow her into the secret room, and, instead, made a sharp turn to the left, as though heading back to Ravenclaw Tower.

Gwen tried to not think much of it as she paced the length of the wall three times. The Room of Requirement was located on the seventh floor in the left corridor of Hogwarts castle and had a hidden entrance opposite the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet. Gwen always snuck a glance at it before she began thinking about what she needed.

I truly need many things more so than this... But I need the ring, she thought to herself.

The stone door groaned and revealed the equipped dueling room, the Knights already lounging lazily in plush sofa chairs.

As soon as Gwen stepped into the room, the sofas disappeared and a wide-open space became available. Milton Rosier and Antonin Dolohov rubbed their backsides as they plopped harshly onto the floor. Abraxas and Theodore could be seen snickering from the other side of the room, the other boys soon joining in.

Gwen did not smile. The stone closed tightly behind hear with an affirmative crunch. It was enough of a message to get the pretentious Slytherins standing at attention.

"The Impediment Jinx, also known as the Impediment Hex, is a jinx that slows the target. Swift use of this jinx can freeze an attacker for a few moments, or stop a magical beast in its tracks. The jinx is a vital part of any duellist's arsenal," Gwen said as she stood in front of the looming fireplace.

She held her wand steadily out in front of her, a pensive expression on her face as she studied the gazes of her students.

"It is only temporary, lasting about ten seconds. The jinx will usually simply immobilize a target, but it can also be used to push or throw a target backwards, simply decrease the velocity of the victim's movement, or can even levitate them. Most of you should be familiar with this hex, it should have been part of your fourth-year curriculum. However, as I have assessed from your previous training sessions, just because you were taught this in the past does not mean you will be capable of casting it, unfortunately. The incantation is Impedimenta. Who would like to volunteer first?"

The room was quiet. Gwen quirked a brow.


She turned her head and looked to the front row. "Nott, throw a punch at Malfoy."

Nott's face went taunt and his Adam's apple bobbed. He turned to his friend with a wary expression. Next to him, the other Knights shifted uneasily.

Gwen felt her anger rise.

"So, you can't strike your arse of a friend but have no trouble threatening and bullying other students? What a coward. I told you to hit him! You'll regret it if you pull the punch," she said sternly.

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