☾︎𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1☀︎︎

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It was yet another late night as you stood in the large kitchen scrubbing away at dirty dishes.
For being royalty, King Philza should really invest in some dishwashers... That would make life so much easier...  You thought to yourself before sighing and pausing your work.
You started working as a maid two years ago to get yourself financially stable, since you had been recently kicked out of your parents home. Why you were kicked out was not to your knowledge, but you had a sneaking feeling it was because they had found your notebook filled with quite unspeakable things.
Now, here you are. You quickly found yourself as head maid with all your hard work and effort being put into this job. You push some stray strands of hair behind your ears as you think about life and what would've happened if you were never kicked out.
It's a rare thought, but it does pop in once in awhile. There could be many different things, but a common factor was you working at some seven-eleven, the thought almost constantly made you shudder.
It was also rare to have such a long amount of time to yourself. Typically, there would be someone being loud somewhere, whether it be the enthusiastic Prince Tommy, or one of the younger maids. So all this time with comforting silence made you suspicious.

Soon enough, you finished the final bit if dishes. Storing away the last plate, you huffed with your hands on your hips. Quickly untying your apron and setting it aside, you adjust the bandana hold back most of your hair and turn to leave. Before your hand could even grace the knob, the doors burst open with you stumbling backwards, but you managed to keep yourself on your feet.
In the door way was a paniced Prince Tommy. It honestly looked like he's seen a ghost. His eyes were widened and it looked like he had ran a marathon.
"[NAME]! Have you seen Wilbur anywhere?!" Tommy questioned you, walked forward and fumbling with his hands.
"No, I haven't seen or heard from Prince Wilbur all... day..." You answer as realization struck you. Once of the kings children were missing, and you just now realized?!
"Oohh no..." Tommy said in a panic, pacing around the kitchen.
"Is he not in his room?"
"No! And that's the first place I looked!"
"What about the garden? Prince Wilbur is there most of the time..."
"I just got back from the garden. Checked behind every bush."
"Okay... What about Fundy's room?"
Tommy paused, before shaking his head. "Why would he be there?"
"Good point..."
And now, you were out of ideas. You had no clue where else Wilbur would be. After all, Prince Wilbur was the kind of guy to stick to a few places for long periods, and also enjoyed having no one around. The only acceptions were Technoblade and Tommy, since King Philza is typically too busy to be around.
But then, the lightbulb flickered on. You had a strong idea on where Wilbur just might be.
"The library!" Your head turns to Tommy as he stops.
"Holy shit, I completely forgot about the library! C'mon, let's find him together!" Tommy exclaims before grabbing your arm and running out the kitchen with you behind him.
Wilbur was also known as a more bookish type, commonly finding himself deep into a novel for hours a day. Not only that, but the library is one of the biggest rooms in the castle, so it's very easy to get lost in the rows of books.

You and Tommy skid to a stop infront of two large doors. On the other side was the library. Tommy pushed open the doors as you followed suit, the two of you skimming around the large shelves.
"I have a feeling this will take a while..." You mutter, nervously scratching your cheek.
"And I have all night." Tommy turned to you with a small smile. "If you get tired, you can get on my back. I-if you want to, of course."
You snile and nod, this was going to be a looonnng night, and honestly? You didn't mind the quick adventure.

It had been a few hours, and you eventually got tired. You were on Tommy's back, snuggling your face into the crook of his neck. Thankfully, you had known Tommy long enough that the two of you were friends. Friends with the prince, it would sound like a myth to anyone you talked too.
Even after the hours of walking, it ended with a positive note. On the whole other side of the library was Wilbur, passed out on a chair with a book in his lap. Just looking at the sleeping prince made you on the verge of passing out, and supposedly Tommy as well.
Thankfully there were also beanbag chairs around this corner. After all, sitting upright in a chair while reading can get painfully boring. You jumped off Tommy's back and yawned.
"Do you think it'll be find if I just took a nap over here?" You sat on one of the bean bags, stretching your legs.
"Nah, I don't think it'll be too much of a problem..." Tommy plops on a differet bean bag chair right beside you. "After all, I think I need a nap as well..."
"And, we even accomplished our mission. I think we deserve this nap..." You glance at the sleeping wilbur. Now that you look at him, it looks like Wilbur hadn't slept in days... The bags under his eyes were much darker than the last time you saw him...
"Hell yeah we did!" You turned to Tommy to see him with his fist raised for a fistbump. You returned the fistbump with a tired smile before settling into the bean bag.
"Alrighty, time for a nap." You yawn, before your eyes began to close. Soon enough, you found yourself in a deep sleep, dreaming about whatever dumb shit your brain could glue together.


A quick first chaper to kinda get you introduced to some of the characters. For this first arc, I'll primairily focus on little moments between you and different characters before we get into the angsty shit.

*Love stats might be temporary

TOMMY: 70% || Your current relationship with Tommy is pretty platonic, but that might change in the future. Tommy does hold some sort of feelings for you, but for now, it just might be a simple small crush.


DATE PUBLISHED: June 28, 2022

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