▪️Chapter 12▫️

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"You look amazing!" Eret complimented you, taking you hand gently and kissing it. You smile and thank him, the cold breeze of Autumn gracing your body. The two of you enter the limo, and you sit across from him.

The ride to wherever the two of you were going was short lived with little small talk. It was kinda awkward, but that's what happens when you go on a date with someone you barely know.

It was when the limo stopped that you felt more relieved, enjoying the idea on being out in public unlike in private with someone you don't really know. The two of you were escorted outside from the driver you assumed. It only took you a few seconds to realize where you were.

It was a semi-formal resturant that's popular to have a primarily outdoor eating space covered in shrubs and ferns. You've never been here, but from what you've heard, the food is quite good.  You and Eret walked inside, you took note that Eret was strangely close to you, but you didn't question it too much.

A kind waitress seemed surprised at the appearance of the King of Amaryllis here of all places. Behind you and Eret were two bodyguards. The waitress, in a slightly stuttery voice, asks if you wanted a table with four chairs.

"No thank you, two tables for two would be much better." Eret responded in a cool tone. You'd be lying if it didn't remind you of someone else, though you couldn't put your finger on it...

The waitress weakly nods, gathering four menus before leading you to a table underneath the sun. You sat across from Eret. The waitress returns from seating the two bodyguards to ask what the two of you want to drink.

"F/D, please." You smile to the waitress. "Just your finest red wine." You refrain from making a face. You thought it was going to be a simple dinner, but you guess it had to be a bit fancy.

(F/D = Favourite Drink)

"Now, y/n, please, tell me about yourself." Eret smiles, you can barely see his pupilless eyes from behind the sunglasses. You nervously chuckle, "Well, where do you want me to start?" You avoid eye contact and instead focus of the menu, reading the different options with little interest.

"Anywhere, really. Like, what's your favourite colour?" Eret asks,  somehow maintaining eye contact. "Uhm, F/C..." You answer, deciding to eat F/F. "How about you ask me questions instead?" You smile, feeling a small bead of sweat falling from your forehead.

(F/C = Favourite Colour -- F/F = Favourite Food)

"Of course! That works just fine." Eret ponders for a second, "what about your favourite flower?" It takes you a few seconds to think. "I'm actually not to sure if I have a favourite flower, I just like them all, to be honest." You close the menu and place it back onto the table. "Really? No specific flower comes to mind?" Eret questions you, tilting her head a bit and rasing a brow.

You feel your eyes twitch. You were never one to like questions. "Mhm. Not a thing comes to my mind." You spoke a bit loudly. Erets questions felt like silent jabs to your sides, like their questions were supposed to fuck you over then call you dramatic. At least, that's what it felt like.

"Hm, strange. Anyhow, what are you going to order? I might get it for myself." Eret continues to speak in a strangely highly way, you don't like it. You're starting to realize who Eret reminds you of. In a softer tone of voice, you manage to respond. "F/F." You silently begged for the conversation to end.

"Oooh, that sounds good, actually." Eret comments, "Now, back to my questions..." Eret thinks again, this time focusing his attention to her surroundings. "How about your biggest pet peeve..?"

You pause, unsure if you want to answer this one truthfully. "I guess my biggest pet peeve is when people think they're of a higher role than me, even when we both know that they'll die etiher way." You blankly stare holes into the clothed table, your voice never losing or gaining volume. 

Silence washes over the two of you until the same waitress walks up to your table, your F/D and Eret's red wine on a black serving tray. You thank the waitress unlike Eret. Said waitress pulls out a tablet and pen and asks if the two of you are ready to order. With a quick nod, you order for your food. Instead of Eret getting the same thing, he ordered a medium rare steak instead.

(I don't know shit about steak talk lmao)

The waitress then excuses herself. Your table is once again washed with awkward silence as you silently sip on your drink with a dark glare directed towards Eret. She only stares back with a faltering smile, drops of sweat fall down their face. 

-- Time Skip --

After dinner, Eret decides to call it short by claiming that they have 'work' to do, but insisted on driving you home. You sigh and accept, smiling at the curly haired brunette with a hint of fakeness in your eyes. Eret returns the smile, but his wavers ever so slightly. Was he scared of you? Over a simple sentence? Maybe you truley are a god, being able to strike fear into those who think... Otherwise? Those who think who are higher than you?

During the car ride, you continue to stare Eret into the eyes with a less than obvious frown with your arms crossed and a slightly annoyed atmosphere around you. Eret only looks to the side.

When you reach the lifeless mansion that you live in, Eret silently apoligizes to you in a soft tone. "I didn't know that I was acting like that, I promise I won't act like-" "Eret." You stop him from talking. "I know you're sorry, just know, don't get all that fame stuck in your head. It might fuck you over in the future." You smile, "And besides, I'm sorry as well. I'm just kind of... Uneased, today." You blink, focusing your gaze onto the ground.

"Now, how about you go make yourself some work to do instead of lying to me," You usher him off and walk away without another word. Eret only stood there in shock, staring at your form as you disapear into the colourless mansion. Eret now knows that you see through him, and she's unsure on how to feel about that...


Fun fact; the Amaryllis flower means to sparkle.

In other news, I'm very sorry I hadn't updated this in weeks, I got writers block primarily because I didn't know how to properly write this chapter lol. Also, because I keep forgetting what the stats are, I'm permanatly removing them :p


DATE PUBLISHED: Oct. 30th, 2022

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