▫️Chapter 22▪️

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Soft knocking, gentle almost as if the person on the other side was scared for anyone to answer. That, or they were just young. Wilbur stands from his desk in a notably sluggish manner. Swinging it open in quite a careless manner, it seemed as if there was nobody.

Wilbur looks down, and there's Fiona in a onesie. It was late at night, a full moon, too. The only thing that could shine through the window were the stars. It was somewhat surprising that you could see so many stars out, usually they would be covered by clouds.

"Dad, Mx. Y/N wants to see you!" Fiona whisper-yells to Wilbur. Wilbur, taken back that you want to see Wilbur. He thought you still hated him! He saw the uncomfortable look in your eyes last time he saw you.

Wilbur follows the young, excited girl through the long, dark corridor before said girls bedroom door came into view. The two enter, and there you were. You were sitting on the young girls bed, properly packing a few things for Fiona to bring.

Your gaze shifts up and meets Wilbur's. Surprising, and quite pleasantly you smile in his direction before placing something folded into one of the bags you had brought.

Fiona runs over to you, crawling onto the bed before digging under her pillows. Wilbur walks over to you instead, sitting beside you in a hesitant and slow manner.

"When was the last time you slept?" Was your first question towards him. He nervously chuckles, pulling at his collar. He knows how serious you got when it came to him or his brothers health.

"I'm not all too sure... Maybe a few hours ago?" Wilbur stuttered, blush creeping on his cheeks when he meets your hard gaze.

He adores how serious and dominant you can get, being able to force him into submission so easily...

"A few hours as in 24 hours ago?" You raise your eyebrows in a knowing manner. "Or maybe it was more than 24..."

Wilbur purses his lips, and you look at him in a knowing manner. "As soon as I leave, you need to go right to bed," You scold him like how a parent would. "You hear me?"

Fiona giggles in the background, playing around with a camera she was hiding earlier. You and Wilbur turned to the giggling fox girl and were met with a bright flash. She waited for the Polaroid to fully come out before taking it and staring at the blacked out picture for a few seconds.

"What-" "Gah, that hurt..."

You rub your eyes, and Wilbur blinks a few times; the flash obviously catching the two of you off guard. You catch Fiona looking through a binder of sorts out of the corner of your eye as she pulls out another Polaroid photo, the white part replaced by a purple and blue gradient.

She hands Wilbur the purple and blue Polaroid and looks through the binder again. Curiously, you look over and the picture is if you, although quite old. You had longer/shorter hair, and you were in your uniform.

You turn to Fiona when you felt her poking at your arm, handing you a Polaroid as well. This one is pastel yellow with flowers doodled around the picture with a maroon coloured marker. It's if Wilbur, bending forward and smiling with closed eyes. He's wearing the same exact thing he always wears.

Before you could ask about the pictures, Fiona shuts the binder and jumps off the bed. You turn your attention back to Wilbur, hitching your breath before speaking.

"How long do you want me to stray from the kingdom?" The light hearted atmosphere darkened, he looks up at you.

"I don't know." Wilbur shifts his gaze, finding the floor more interesting. "Probably a year, perhaps? Hopefully this won't take too long."

You gently bite your bottom lip, "Alright, I bet I can think of a good plan to camp out for a while..." You mumble to yourself, sighing and straightening your posture.

The two of you stare into each others eyes for a while, not noticing the watchful gaze of Fiona. She waits, pausing her task of packing up some other things.

All that could be heard was the soft ticking of the clock. Fiona, growing impatient decides to sneak up to her father. She mentally counts to three, then pushes Wilbur into you.

You turn your head to Fiona as Wilbur's face smashing into your cheek. It was a forced kiss on the cheek. Fiona giggles maniacally and Wilbur quickly pulls away. He was a million times more flustered than you were, his face almost completely red and his glasses crooked.

The first thing you do is fix his glasses, catching his skittish stare to fixate on you. Instead of saying anything or reacting, you instead stand from the short bed and and hoist one of the bags over your shoulder.

"Well, I guess Fiona and I should be going soon, hm?" You kneel next to Fiona to help her tie on proper footwear before the two of you left.

Wilbur quickly stood from the bed, dusting himself off before walking over to you after you finished with Fiona.

"One final thing, Y/N..." Wilbur pauses, "Can we talk outside..?" He points at the door, looking like he's silently begging you to say yes.

You stay quiet for a few seconds, your eyes blink towards Fiona before your attention fixates on Wilbur once more. You nod, "Okay, sure. No funny business, though."

You lead the way without hesitation, a bitter taste seeps into your mouth the longer your teeth gnaw at your tongue. The very moment the door closed, your tone changed.

The darkness of the corridor didn't help. Wilbur sweat dropped, his cheeks heating up.

He's always enjoys the thought of you over powering him. Sure, he craves your dominance, but he also despises the thought of you with someone else. His thoughts are so confusing, no?

"W-well, I just," He averts his attention from your cold stare. "Thank you. Honestly. If I have to be honest, with you, I don't think this will end in a few months."

You watch as Wilbur's expression darkens, his normal stuttery tone shifts. You do nothing, keeping your hard gaze locked on the man before you.

"That's what I'm afraid of. I don't think I'll be able to see Fiona, or you for- no, ever again." He looks as if he knows he'll die. The thought only lightly stabs at your heart. "I actually want you to be Fiona's parent. Until Fiona decides to move out."

"You want me to be Fiona's new parent." You repeat. It takes a few seconds for everything to set in as your shoulders tense. "I would've commented on how pessimistic you're being but..."

"I don't have the highest hopes either."


Well would you look at that, another chapter that took a little too long to publish.

On other news, that QnA is still open. So far there are only two questions. Remember that y'all can ask anyone whose already been mentioned so far.

Thanks :3

DATE PUBLISHED: February 5th 2023


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