▪️Chapter 24▫️

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To put it lightly, Dream was pissed. He was walking through the heavily wooded forest with his two friends behind him, the two constantly glancing at eachother in a nervous manner. They never saw Dream be so worked up over, what did he say?

"That lying fraud..."

Who was the fraud, you might be asking yourself? Maybe not, but it is quite obvious.

You're the fraud.

He fully believed and trusted that you would return to his arms, and maybe even return to relentlessly beating his ass. He can't describe it, not at all, but...

He's never met anyone who could put him in his place and actually keep some pretty gnarly bruises on him.

Anger bubbles in him at the thought of you being nothing but a hoax. He can't fully comprehend the idea that you had left because you were, what, scared?

His unnerving emerald eyes noticed the familiar cottage right away. After all, the lighter wood against the dark forest was quite contracting.

Dream didn't knock when he reached the door, he didn't even want to acknowledge the demon who stared at him in shock.

George and Sapnap, the two that had been following Dream the entire time, kept their distance from the dirty blonde sheep.

Bad replaced his dumbfounded expression with one of a small smile. He looked to his son and George, as if to silently question what's up. Both males shrugged.

Typically, the four would joke around and act as if they'd been friends since the beginning of time. Instead, that happy chatter was nothing but dull, awkward silence.

Dream was typically the 'leader', causing a lot of long adventures, games, etc. He would be the one to even get them out of trouble. Dream would even be the one to break George and Sapnap out of fights. Dream was built for this role.

Well, all until about two years ago.

He was requested to act like a spy towards the SBI Kingdom. In order to fit in, he had his horns shaved down in order to properly fit under his hood.

He hasn't been the same since.

George, Sapnap, and Bad all whisper to one another as Dream seemingly gets himself some coffee.

But, of course, you were there as well. With Fiona, actually. You had found yourself at Bad's doorstep, and you didn't really have any other choice. You were exhausted, having walked for seemingly ever. Bad was so kind as to let the two of you in temporarily, offering an extra room that had been left untouched, as well as some freshly baked muffins.

And, well, Bad left you and Fiona to rest, sitting in the living room with Rat for a while. And, as if luck decided to turn against you without your knowledge, Dream ended up at Bad's as well.

Maybe luck will be on your side again as to avoid Dream, but it seems that none of his friends would hold him back. As silently as he started, Dream ventured upstairs just as quiet.

Yet again, you were missing. Well, to Tommy at least. He didn't like that you starting going missing much more often, disappearing out of sight, but definitely not out of mind.

Both Tommy and Techno had been on edge, after learning about the occuring war. Techno was helping to train the young blonde, even offering his old sword to help him along the way.

He would be lying if he said he didn't miss you.

He'd also be lying if he said he was ready.

Standing from his older brother, he readies himself. The worn iron sword in front of him shakes, all because Tommy wasn't ready for any of this. It felt as if it was all happening far too soon.

He was only 18, no? Shouldn't he get accustomed to living, or is that not an option in the real world...?

Unlike Tommy's uneasy gaze, Techno stayed steady and kept his gaze locked.

[Real fucking quick, I've never written an actual sparring scene or anything, so uhm, yeah]

Seemingly defying gravity, Techno lurches forward with his sword gripped in his bandaged hands. He swings at the blonde, which said male narrowly dodges by almost instinctively dropping to his knees. Techno ends up behind Tommy, in which the blonde scrambles to his feet and steps back, steadying his position.

Techno turns to Tommy, narrows his eyes and slowly leads forward. Tommy tenses.

Techno swings his blade, Tommy manages to deflect it. The clashing of blades almost sent Tommy back a few paces.

Techno swung again, Tommy barely manages to deflect his attack. Tommy stumbles, finding himself near Technos right side.

The blonde swings his sword, but Techno managed to block his attack, even going back a few steps.

The brothers continued to spar for hours, even after Tommy's protests. Techno refuses to give up, and refused to step down.

Techno can only hope that Tommy will turn out the same way.


Well, howzaboutdat?

Also, before anyone asks about art that I post here:

I'm perfectly fine with you guys saving it, and using it as reference.

I'm NOT okay with you guys posting it elsewhere without my permission and without credit, using it as a PFP without asking, tracing it, or claiming it as your own.

If you do anything I don't want happening, I will not hesitate to find your ass.

DATE PUBLISHED: Feb. 22 2023

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