▫️Chapter 18▪️

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You turn to face Wilbur, a sodden expression on your face. You were confused, and of course, very distraught at the thought of a war of all things. You almost choke on your words as you stare him in the eyes.

"Wil, what does this mean..?"

He stays silent at first, his expression was unreadable. Your bottom lip quivers, but you refrain from crying. The bracelet grows heavier.

"That's why I wanted to see you, actually. Well, there are a few more things, actually..." Wilbur scratches the back of his head before looking towards you. You stare back, expecting him to start explaining, and he does.

"Well, first things first, I'm so sorry that I pinned you against the wall and scared you. Well, I don't think I really scared you, did I? You looked more pissed than scared..." Wilbur trails off, you take the opportunity to sit down in one of the armchairs. Wilbur continues to explain when he finally stopped rambling about you being either pissed or scared. "And yes, there will be a war. Against who is what we don't know, actually. And I'm confused too, don't get me wrong!" 

You nod, silently listening. "So we've been on high alert, and as a result, there isn't enough guards to protect Fiona. That's why I want you to protect her. I know you're strong, probably even stronger than I originally thought, so that's exactly why I want you to keep her safe from war, safe from this place, and safe from whoever are the enemies." Wilbur steps towards you as he spoke, he genuinely wants you to keep Fiona safe, I'll tell you myself. 

Wilbur pauses, looking to the side, tears welling in his eyes. "If this war goes on for years, please raise Fiona as your own. I have a feeling I won't be alive to be there for her when this war is over. Please, y/n, I need you to do this for me... Please..." A single tear beads down his cheek as he holds your hand in his own. At multiple points his voice cracks. "And please, don't tell Fiona about what's happening. She doesn't need the stress, o-or trauma..." 

You stay silent.



"When should I pick her up..?"

Wilbur stops, stares you in your eyes, all before smiling and smothering you in hugs. You pat his back as he rambles out multiple 'thank you's. You sit there, still feeling somewhat awkward about the whole situation. Why, of all people in the world, would the soon-to-be king of an entire nation trust you to take care of his own daughter. It feels more wrong than it should.

When Wilbur finally parted from the bone crushing hug, he wipes his eyes while turning away from you, still emotional about everything. You finally stand and [smooth your dress/fix your sleeves] before awkwardly standing there. 

"Give it a few days, y/n. I want you to at least get prepared." Wilbur's longing gaze feels much more warm and trusting than when he pinned you against a wall trying to force an answer out of you. "And, uh, please don't tell anyone else about it. If you need anything, like money, just let me know." 

"Yeah, yeah, I know, dude," you playfully punch Wilbur's shoulder, "I'll make sure everything goes smoothly."

"God dammit, y/n, I don't think I can describe how much I just- love you right now..." Wilbur blurted, before nervously pulling at his collar and correcting himself in a way, "As a f-friend, of course..."

You only smile in return...

As soon as you return home, you notice a note on the counter from Niki:

Hello sweetheart, unfortunately I have to leave because of college, duh. I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye, but something in me says that you don't want to hear a goodbye. To keep it short, I have a bad feeling something might happen if I stay any longer, and I have also left you a gift; you need to protect yourself from the world, so you just might appreciate it.

Love, Niki

P.S., call me if you ever get the chance, XXX-XXX-XXXX

You swallow the lump in your throat, folding the paper gently and leaving it in between your fingers before walking up the stairs with a forlorn feeling. 

You walk into your room, and the purple gift box takes your gaze instantly. You slowly tread towards it, eye it suspiciously, then open it with absolute carefulness. It's a larger blade, much unlike the short daggers King Phil had gifted you.

Purple, longer, with a cat engraved into the blade. It was custom made, the blade itself was sharpened to such a degree, and not to mention the creators initals carved near the base.

You held the blade, weighed it, and even did some quick tricks with it. It was almost like it was specially for you, to the point where it got everything right.

You couldn't help but to smile when you looked back to the box. Just underneath the blade was a holdster as well. Yet another cat had been cut into the leather, and just like the blade, it was only the side profile.

You slip the large blade into the holdster before quickly going around your room, finding a large enough bag, and packing all the necessities. You didn't pack too much, primarily because you had a few days until then. 

When you had finally finished, you sat on the edge of the bed, completely defeated. Your mind raced, recalling every little moment that led up to this; blankly staring at the cold wooden floors before your vision goes foggy. You were crying, tears streaming down your face as everything finally weighs down on you.

You were kidnapped, you have a stalker. There's going to be a fucking war happening, and you, of all people in this entire goddamn kingdom had to take care of the soon-to-be-king's fucking daughter. You're sobs turned louder as you choked on your tears. Your breath gets shaky as you cry outloud.

Seconds turned to minutes as you sat their slumped over. You wished- no- begged for anyone to be there for you, to comfort you and to hug you tightly. You know that will never happen. Everyone you liked- or even loved wasn't there. You were alone, and you'll be even more isolated stuck with a fucking three-year-old for who knows how long!

You really hated yourself for thinking that getting a job being a maid was a good thing, because look where you are.

As minutes continued to pass, you finally calmed down suddenly tired and apathetic. You lay the partially packed bag on the ground as you kick off your shoes, lazy to get out of your uniform as you lay in bed without the covers. You slept, soundly and silently, the warm light from the lamp made your features glow.


I keep publishing chapters without completing this lmao

Word count: 1185

Date Published: December 25th 2022

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