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jasper hopper laid on his back, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he lounged on ofelia gomez's bed, reading a random magazine he had found on her bedside table.

the girl was currently bent over his naked torso, a tattoo gun in her hand and soft music playing in the background.

ofelia had once again convinced jasper to let her tattoo him, using the excuse of needing practice. i mean, how else would the girl become good enough to be a tattoo artist?

although jasper was skeptical at the idea of yet another tattoo he eventually gave in, knowing that he had a huge soft spot for ofelia.

"you almost done? i'm starving" jasper groaned, putting the magazine up a bit in order to gaze down at ofelia, who smiled before answering, "yeah give me a minute" the girl hummed out, continuing on the tattoo.

"alright" jasper hummed out, reaching for his finished cigarette and putting it out on ofelia's ashtray. just as he had done so, the buzzing of the tattoo machine came to a stop.

"all done!" ofelia proudly said, discarding her gloves and smiling at the fresh tattoo. jasper stood with s sigh, glad that he could finally stretch out after so long.

he took no time in walking towards ofelia's mirror, staring at the fresh tattoo. it was big and right in the middle of his stomach, above his bellybutton.

"holy shit" he whistled, twisting his body to the side to look at it from a different angle. ofelia only stood behind him, watching him with a sweet smile adorning her features.

"this is fucking sick" the boy laughed out, eyes twinkling as he stared at the tattoo. the design was a big butterfly, it's details the main reason as to why jasper was so entranced.

"we should go get some snacks before it gets darker" ofelia said, getting off her bed and slipping some shoes on, alongside a light blue sweater.

the girl grabbed her car keys as jasper slipped a shirt on, before beginning to follow after her as she went downstairs, listening to her talk on the way to her car.

"please let me give you a neck tattoo" the girl pleaded as they finally got into her car and pulled out of her driveway. "please"

"no way" jasper scoffed, shaking his head with wide eyes. ofelia had been begging for weeks now to tattoo his neck but jasper opposed the idea.

"how about an eyebrow piercing then?" the girl asked, raising a brow at her friend as he winced, "that's even worse than the neck tattoo" he muttered, nose scrunched up as he imagine himself with an eyebrow piercing.

the boy didn't even know why but he absolutely hated eyebrow piercings with a passion, he always claimed that nothing would ever convince him to get one.

"fine" the girl sighed out, before pulling into a gas station, "we're here" she added, turning her car off before opening her door, jasper following suit.

the two wasted no time in walking in, immediately walking to the snacks and grabbing what they wanted.

jasper thought the talk about neck tattoos and eyebrow piercings was long forgotten but he was proven wrong as his best friend spoke again, "i'll give you twenty bucks if you let me pierce your eyebrow" ofelia wiggled her eyebrows up at him, a smirk on her face as she did so.

"no way in hell" he scoffed out, snagging a bag of gummy worms off the shelf.

ofelia went to speak but cut herself off as her eyes stayed glued on something in the store, a snort coming out of her, which she tried to cover up.

jasper followed her gaze, mouth pulling down into a frown as he saw what she had. at the end of the aisle stood a group of boys, all wearing matching t-shirts.

"what the fuck" jasper laughed out, finding it amusing, and ofelia had too, judging from the hand that she had clasped over her mouth.

"isn't that dustin?" the girl suddenly asked, head tilted to the side and eyes squinted. jasper immediately turned, realizing that it in fact was dustin.

the curly headed boy was laughing, staring up at a guy that had messy long black hair, bangs covering his forehead. jasper narrowed his eyes, seeing lucas and mike there aswell.

jasper turned away, going to walk away and pretend he had never seen them until a voice made him pause.

"jas!" dustin henderson now walked towards the two, mouth stretched out in a huge smile and eyes twinkling in the way they always did when the kid smiled.

"check it out, we got some cool t-shirts because we joined a d&d club!" the boy excitedly exclaimed, right hand pointing to the shirt that said hellfire club on it.

"that's cool, man. but isn't it past your bedtime?" he questioned, narrowing his eyes at dustin, who flushed red. "no, i'm a grown man now" he puffed his chest, adjusting the hat that sat on his head. jasper only hummed skeptically, eyeing the kid with a raised brow.

"hey jasper, how've you been?" lucas sinclair asked, coming up behind dustin with mike wheeler trailing behind him. jasper only muttered a response, suddenly feeling awkward as the three kids stood before him.

these were the same kids that he helped fight interdimensional monsters with. the same kids he went through hell with. he frowned slightly looking at each of them, he hadn't interacted with them much after the death of his dad. he never took the time to look at them and how much they had grown.

he hadn't noticed that ofelia had moved from beside him until he caught her eye in another part of the store, and she made a motion for him to hurry up.

jasper cleared his throat, shuffling awkwardly, "uh, i've gotta go" he said, rubbing the back of his neck as dustin frowned.

"oh, okay" the kid nodded, jasper turning to look at his other friends, who looked way older than the three that stood before him.

"stay safe, alright?" was the last thing he said to the trio, patting dustin's shoulder, before nodding to the other two. he wasted no time in hurrying away and to where ofelia was impatiently waiting for them to pay for their items.

words: 1064

I have never seen anyone in st with any face piercings (correct me if im wrong) and the only person we have seen with tattoos is Eddie (i think) so i wanted to add some of that.
also, dw Jasper is an outcast but he does not know Eddie. Ofelia is his only school bestie :)
will definitely have them meet soon though (obviously)
the relief i feel knowing that i now actually like this chapter is so unreal😭

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