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the next morning jasper had woken up in a rush, having somehow missed his alarm. he dressed quickly, remembering what ofelia had said about wearing green and black today. he had to search for a moment but eventually he found a shirt. the it was a green and black striped long sleeve, it fitting him slightly baggy. he paired that with a pair of black baggy jeans, using a belt to keep them in place. lastly, he placed his black converse on, small doodles adorning the shoes.

once satisfied with his outfit, he hastily placed some rings on, before brushing his teeth and grabbing his backpack and skateboard, beginning the skate to school. he had to be honest, skating to school was peaceful, despite how it messed up his hair. in no time, the boy finally arrived at school, where he picked up his board and walked towards ofelia's familiar car, tapping the window with a grin as to let her know that he was there.

"finally you're here!" the girl exclaimed, getting out of her car and locking it, placing a pair of white shades on, holding her white purse out to jasper, who immediately took it. "at least i came" he said, rolling his eyes as he watched all the other students head towards the school. they had a pep rally today and jasper was definitely not looking forward to it.

it seemed as ofelia felt the same, her beautifully painted brown lips pulled down into a frown, eyes no doubt narrowed behind the shades. "i so do not want to go to that stupid pep rally" the girl scoffed out. jasper knew that she truthfully was only mad due to having been kicked off the cheerleading team. it was stupid but to ofelia, cheerleading meant something, and the fact that she had been the captain only made it worse. everyday she worked hard to come up with new cheers, always being excited to try new things out, only to one day be kicked off the team and replaced by Chrissy Cunningham.

"come on, better to get it over with" jasper muttered, placing his board between his back and his backpack, it being slightly uncomfortable but he didn't find himself caring much, he could put it in his locker later. ofelia only followed after her friend quietly, head held high as she strutted, her step never once faltering. jasper smiled, glad that she wasn't letting anything bring her mood down, not even this stupid pep rally.

as they walked, jasper spotted robin and steve stood beside steve's car, robin was dressed in her band uniform and she smiled widely as her eyes connected with jasper's. with a friendly smile jasper waved, the buckley girl returning it, nudging steve, which promoted the boy to also look at jasper. steve only sent him a friendly nod, not knowing what else to do as jasper smirked, before looking away from the duo.

"how shit do you think this pep rally is going to be?" asked ofelia's soft voice, her eyes looking around as the two finally managed to make it inside the auditorium, it already filling up quickly. "very shit" he said, watching as ofelia's fingers fiddles with the hem of her skirt, her eyes not daring to look at the cheerleaders.

jasper and ofelia immediately found a place to stand and they were almost immediately joined by max, who muttered a greeting to them both, headphones resting comfortably around her neck. almost immediately they were joined by mike and dustin, who seemed to be arguing over who had the best girlfriend. the two did not stop, not even when the band began to play, and jasper would've definitely not paid attention if robin were not a part of the band.

"and let's hear it for your tigers!" the principal announced, the band quieting down as the basketball ball team ran out in their uniforms, and jasper was surprised to see that lucas stood with them. "good morning, hawkins high!" jason carver, the basketball team captain spoke, the microphone being handed to him. immediately the crowd cheered, a big smiled over taking jason's features.

"first off, i'd like to thank each and every one of you. without your support, we wouldn't be here. give yourselves a big hand." at this, the crowd cheered, clapping as jasper and ofelia shared a look, rolling their eyes. "and of course, i have to give a special shout-out to the best and prettiest fans of all time the tiger cheer squad" at these words ofelia scoffed, crossing her arms as her face set into a deep glare.

"chrissy... chrissy, i love you, babe." jason smiled sweetly at chrissy, who smiled, blowing him a kiss, prompting most of the crowd to awe at the couple. jason waited until the crowd quieted, before continuing to speak, "you know, i think i can speak for all of us when i say it's been a tough year for hawkins. so much loss, and sometimes i wonder, 'how much loss can one community take?' in dark days like this, we need something to believe in." already, jasper knew he wouldn't like the rest of jason's speech, his stomach beginning to turn.

"so last night, when we were down by ten points at half to christian academy, i looked at my team, and i said, think of jack, think of melissa, think of heather, think of billy, think about our heroic police chief, jim hopper" at the sound of his dad's name jasper's mouth became dry, mouth slightly opened in shock. he knew that max must have been reacting the same, seeing as billy's name was thrown in the stupid speech. immediately, jasper felt ofelia's warm and soft hand engulf his as she noticed how angry he looked. "think about every one of our friends who perished in that fire" jason finished, looking out at the quiet crowd.

jasper's head was spinning, never had he imagined that some idiot would speak his dad's name so easily, especially while using his name in some stupid basketball speech. not only did he have the nerve to use his dad's name but he used other's, and by the looks of it, jason didn't think much of it. although jasper knew that if billy were aware his name was being used in such a stupid speech, jason would already been beat to a pulp. "you okay?" ofelia asked, looking up at jasper as he tensely nodded, knowing that he really wasn't okay, and she knew it too, but she didn't ask more, only squeezed his hand tighter as jason continued to speak, seemingly not finished with his idiotic speech.

"what did they die for? for us to lose to some crap school?" the crowd immediately screamed 'no', only causing jason to gain more confidence, standing straighter, "for us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat?" and once again, the crowd screamed in protest, more enthusiastic than they were before. "let's win this game. let's win this game for them. and that's exactly what we did! we embarrassed those candy-asses in their own house, and now tonight, tonight, we're gonna bring home the championship trophy! let's go!" jason smiled widely, as he caused the crowd to cheer, the uproar making jasper's ears tingle, jaw still clenched in anger as the basketball team stood there proudly, and jasper felt his fists clench as even lucas looked confident, a small smile on his face.

seeing lucas seemed to be jasper's last straw as he untangled his hand from ofelia's, scoffing in anger as he began to storm off, shoving people along the way as he felt his blood pumping. he was angry, very angry, not only had a stupid asshole like jason carver used his dead dad's name in a basketball speech, but lucas sinclair, the boy that he fought creatures with, the boy who he was so willing to die for years back. that same boy stood with jason carver. oh, was jasper angry.

words: 1342

literally hated Jason's speech because who tf uses dead people's name in a basketball speech? 😐
anyways, sawri but jasper is mad at lucas at the moment lol, because i tried putting myself in his shoes and if someone brought up a dead relative and a friend of mine stood with that person i was be pissedddd lol

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