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it took no time for jasper to get to forest hill trailer park. he skated up to the entrance before picking his board up and walking the rest of the way to his trailer. on multiple occasions, a cranky lady had complained that his skating was too loud and annoying, something that pissed jasper off because that same lady would constantly loudly argue with her husband. jasper wasn't sure how they were still together.

jasper would admit, his living situation was shitty but what could he do? no mom, no dad, no family at all. the closest thing he had to family now was ofelia. although her parents had offered him their home as a place to stay he declined, not wanting to intrude on their home. plus, he sort of liked living alone. he wasn't always alone, there was times when max would join him, the nights where her mom would drink too much.

after the whole ordeal at starcourt mall, the two had gotten closer, maybe it was because they both lost someone that night, jasper wasn't fully sure. or maybe it was because now they were both stuck in the same shitty trailer park. he wasn't sure, and he knew that neither was max. what he did know was that they were both at least glad they had someone that they could talk to about it, someone that they somewhat related to.

some nights the two would just sit there and eat, watching a movie or two until max was sure her mom was asleep. some other times the girl wouldn't even go home and she'd fall asleep on the couch, her head resting on jasper's shoulder. the boy would carry her into his small room, where he would lay her on his bed and he would sleep on the couch. he didn't mind, it felt nice having someone around every once in a while.

he felt like tonight wasn't one of those nights as he saw every light in max's trailer already off, he frowned before opening the door to his own trailer and walking in, setting his skateboard down beside the door. he sighed because at least the inside of his shitty trailer offered some warmth, something that the outside certainly didn't.

before he could forget, jasper placed the lasagna in the fridge, not in the mood to eat any that night. what he was in the mood for was a smoke, a habit that despite how hard he tried to drop, he just couldn't. sure, it was a bad habit but he wasn't necessarily hurting anybody, or, anybody but himself.

he quietly got his cigarettes, placing one in his mouth and walking outside, where he lit it with his black zippo lighter, dropping it inside his pocket once he was done. he leaned his back against his trailer, eyes narrowing as his eyes drifted back to max's trailer, only to notice said girl sitting on a chair outside, headphones on and eyes glued on the ground before her.

jasper grinned to himself, beginning to approach the girl as he took drags of his cigarette, it seemed that max sensed him coming because she looked up when he was near, her lips lifting up into a smile. "hi jasper" she said, taking her headphones off as he stomped out his cigarette, not wanting to smoke near her "hi max" he sighed out, sitting on the chair beside her.

"you good?" he asked the redhead, watching as she exhaled sharply, "mom drank too much" she muttered, playing with her fingers as jasper frowned, turning to look at the trailer she lived in. "fuck that" he muttered, shaking his head as max snorted, shaking her head at him as he smirked. "how about you?" the girl asked curiously, head tilted to the side. "i'm alright" he shrugged, smiling widely. "got a new tat" he hummed proudly.

"no way!" max exclaimed, practically jumping in her seat. max was always excited about his tattoos, finding it cool how he had so many. the girl had never admitted it out loud but jasper was possibly the coolest person she had ever met. he was so carefree and she loved how cool his tattoos made him look. there were times where the boy would let her, and only her use colored markers to color in his tattoos. he found it sweet and the girl could blend nicely, something that made jasper love his tattoos even more.

"a huge butterfly" he said, pointing to his stomach as she grinned, "i can't wait until i can get a tattoo" she sighed, smiling up at the night sky as she did so. "wait a bit longer, yeah?" he said, before sighing "i got you though" he added, smiling softly at the girl, who did so back.

he went to speak again before a trailer from before opened again and out came some loud boys, causing max to groan immediately, eyes rolling as she did so. confused, jasper looked at the boys before he realized it was the group he had seen at the gas station earlier, dustin, lucas, and mike included. they were all talking excitedly amongst themselves, getting into a dark blue van, something that made jasper's brows raise.

"since when did they hang around here?" jasper asked, watching as the van recklessly pulled out, "since they joined that stupid club" max mumbled bitterly, eyes narrowed at the van. "the one with the matching t-shirts?" jasper asked, amused, as he remembered the shirts. "i mean, can you believe it? matching shirts." the boy scoffed, smiling down at max, who chuckled.

"fuck that." max laughed out, head thrown back as jasper chuckled from beside her, eyes twinkling as he stared down at the girl beside him, "you know what? i say we get matching shirts as well" he said, grinning at max who violently shook her head, no way in hell!" she exclaimed, staring at him as if he was out of his mind. "you loss" he muttered, shrugging as he sank lower into the seat, relaxing more.

"i think i should head to bed" max sighed out, fingers playing with her walkman. "alright" jasper hummed, standing up and stretching, "i should head to bed as well, goodnight max" he said, smiling softly at the girl, who muttered a good night back. jasper went to sleep that night feeling content, he got to talk to max, a girl that he looked to as if she were his own sister, a girl who he knew admired him and who he admired back. not only that, but he got the girl to laugh, the girl who hadn't smiled or laughed in god knows how long, because she was a little too much like him in a way.

words: 1134

i think i fucking love this duo ngl. i love how steve is so close to dustin so i wanted jasper to have that with another kid and at first it was going to be lucas but last minute i was like, no. max. because they literally both lost someone and i can possibly put them in excruciating pain in the future!! 😘

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