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after storming out of the auditorium with ofelia following after him, the pair found themselves in the woods behind the school, jasper glaring down on the table that he sat on. "are you sure you're okay?" ofelia asked, staring up at jasper in concern as she held his hands in hers. the boy only shrugged, muttering under his breath about it being whatever. "it isn't whatever" ofelia scoffed, shaking her head angrily, "it's a shitty thing to do"

"i know" jasper agreed, "hope he fucking loses for that" he added, smiling at ofelia, who snorted, "hope he fucking does" she mused, before gasping as if remembering something. "you my friend, are in luck today!" she exclaimed, beginning to rummage through her purse for something, jasper only watching curiously, "aha!" she exclaimed, having found what she was looking for.

in ofelia's hand, pinched between her pointer and thumb was a joint, and jasper chuckled, seeing the proud smile on her face, "i knew it would come in handy later" the girl smirked, watching as jasper pulled out his zippo and handed it to her, watching as she immediately lit it. jasper watched as she took a drag, holding the smoke in before blowing it out, waving the smoke away with a small cough. she held it out to jasper, who took it, placing his lips on it and choosing to ignore how her lipstick stained it.

he took a drag of his own, immediately feeling his body begin to relax, a small smile now on his face as he held the smoke in for a much longer time, handing the joint back before he finally exhaled it, watching as the smoke drifted off into the air.

it took no time for jasper to begin feeling lighter, laying his body back on the table, having taken five other hits already, he knew he shouldn't take anymore, knowing what his limits were. ofelia took more hits, although hers were noticably smaller than the ones he took, the girl not being able to handle too much smoke at once.

"we should go out one of these days" the girl said, staring off into the distance as she but the joint out, "where?" jasper asked, brows furrowed in thought, "i don't know, somewhere out of town, somewhere fun, where we don't know anyone and we can do whatever the fuck we want" the girls voice began to sound more excited with each word she spoke, a smile on her face as jasper turned to her with raised brows, "like, a road trip?" he asked, watching as she nodded, "it would be fun" she muttered, watching as jasper smiled softly, "yeah, it would" he hummed, staring up at the trees above him.

"we should head back, i have the munchies and it should be lunch time already" ofelia said, beginning to stand up, jasper following as they immediately began to walk back to school, jasper's eyes feeling very droopy. "you're a fucking boss for being able to walk in those heels" he said, looking at ofelia's heels, despite the floor being uneven and sticks laying all over the place, the girl still walked gracefully, each step she took making jasper anxious, thinking she would fall, but she never did.

at his words, ofelia smiled, poking his chest as she kept going, her purse swinging as she walked, "practice makes perfect" she hummed, hearing him giggle from behind her. jasper barely processed when the two made it to the cafeteria, one moment he was walking in the forest and the next he was already in the cafeteria, a tray with food in his hands as him and ofelia looked around.

their usual table was being used, a couple sitting there and very passionately making out, causing jasper's face to turn into one of disgust, "gross" ofelia muttered, her red eyes meeting jasper's. "jas!" a voice spoke, and immediately a hand grabbed his arm, startling jasper, who jumped in fright, "holy shit" he muttered, his heart nearly beating out of his chest. "you two should come sit with us, i'm sure eddie won't mind" he said, not giving jasper a chance to reply as he began to pull him along, ofelia following after them with a shrug.

as soon as they arrived at the table, dustin sat jasper down, and beside him sat a boy, whose face was currently being covered by a magazine. "the devil has come to america. dungeons and dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned." everyone at the table listened intently as jasper opened his bag of chips, not caring much about what was being said as he began to eat them, "studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... murder." the boy slammed the magazine down, causing jasper and ofelia to jump, not expecting the noise. everyone at the table beside the two began to laugh, looking around at eachother in amusement.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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