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Chapter 1

Cigarette buds grew in number in the ashtray next to the bed. A bright light shined from the television that was playing re-runs of yet another soccer match. The lavish room that was sophisticated and stylish was devoid of any sense of warmth, and any object that eluded comfort or happiness. Yet even upon making this depressing observation, what stood out most in the freezing room amongst the sleek furniture, and the fully black closet was the empty space next to the brown haired man sleeping in bed. His eyebrows furrowed in anguish as sweat somehow collected on his forehead. It was evident he was having yet another nightmare. His hands clenched the sheets as his body ached to wake up, but his mind had taken over and he continued to be a slave to the demons in his head.

"RRIIIINGGG" "RRRIIIIINGGGG" The alarm clock slammed shut, as the man slowly opened his eyes. One would assume that he'd be relieved that the nightmare was finally over, but the expression that he pulls makes it seem as though the worst is just beginning for him.

This is Louis, a 24 year old college student and center forward of the college soccer team.

Or so his friends would describe him.

Louis walks over to the bathroom to freshen up and make his way to campus for his 10 am class. He slips on a dark gray hoodie that he outfits with a pair of black skinny jeans, one of the many that he owns. He grabs an iced coffee from the refrigerator, picks up his car keys from the dining room table and heads for the door. He notices the mirror that gates the entrance of his house. He pauses to stare at himself in the mirror. He studies his expression. He then slowly marks the frown off his face, and raises the corners of his lips, almost as if training his brain to do that more often. His troubled face reshapes into an ecstatic smile. He walks out the door and drives to school.


"Yo Lou, My Man", "Babe, what do you think of my outfit today", "Hey Louis let's have Beers at The Black Cat tonight?".

It hasn't even been 3 minutes since I've parked my car and these maniacs already can't be stopped, thought Louis to himself. Ruby walks over to Louis and links her arm with his.

"I went to Saks the other day, and I couldn't stop myself from buying this skirt, I thought it'd be an injustice to the world if they don't see how hot I look in this. Don't you think so?". Ruby eyes Louis, in anticipation for his reaction.

Calvin smirks "You think Louis gives a shit, Rub".

"Shut-up Cal! Lou are you listening to me".

Louis unlinks his arm from Ruby, pauses, and then wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her close.

"I think if Cal and Oli weren't here I would have my arms all over you".

"You already have your hands on her you dumb wit" screams Oli.

"You're going to openly declare that you'll cheat on me Lou, I thought it was our 2 year anniversary this Wednesday" proclaims Calvin. "It was 3 years!" Says Louis, laughing and punching Calvin on the shoulder. "You're an idiot".

The group enter the college building, continuing their conversation till they reach their class. As he takes his regular seat in the last row, Louis exhales a slow breath. Everyday, for these 7 minutes, he fools himself with this sense of normalcy that he wishes his life would be. And just like always, before he can get lost in thought for a second longer, the lecture begins, once again deluding him that this is his real life.


"Can I get a cup of tea please" said the man to the barista standing in front of him.

"Would you like Chamomile, Green, Lemon...?", questioned the women behind the counter. She was slightly irritated at the fact that this man was typing away on his phone, clearly too preoccupied to even look up.

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