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Chapter 22

Harry's heart pounded in his chest as he locked eyes with Louis, the memories of that unforgettable night rushing back. The football match, the pursuit, and the dead-end where he'd been cornered by a stranger—or rather, a pervert—all replayed in his mind. It was these same blue eyes that had come to his rescue, shielding him from harm.

The night was burned into his memory, starting with Harry running into the same odd individuals. Their faces were blurry, but under the dim streetlights, he managed to catch a glimpse of one guy's features. Weird images flickered in his mind, and now, thinking back, he realized that face seemed familiar—like he'd seen it somewhere before. He was so deep in thought that he barely noticed Louis pulling his hands away from his mouth.

Louis leaned in, whispering, "Who was who?" Harry met his gaze, but before he could respond, another knock echoed through the room. On instinct, Harry shoved Louis into the closet, quickly closing the door behind him.

Harry rushed to the door, but before he could reach it, he heard bits of a frantic conversation. He figured his father had sent someone to check on the door since it had stayed closed for so long. Acting on impulse, he started to undress.


Marc was rambling to no one in particular about the possibility of his son having fainted inside, a notion that didn't quite add up given that it was Harry's leg that was injured. It was obvious he felt the need to put on a show of concern for his son, especially in front of Allison, the girl he had been so obviously trying to set Harry up with. Allison mirrored Marc's worry as the guard opened the door. The guard's eyes widened at the sight inside, but he quickly stepped aside to let Marc through.

Marc practically stormed into the room, with Allison trailing behind him. He came to an abrupt halt upon entering, taken aback by the sight of his son. Harry stood in the middle of the room, his hands clutching the towel around his waist.

Upon spotting his father, Harry feigned ignorance, "What's going on here?"

"Harry, son, you weren't opening the door. We got worried," Marc approached him, his concerned father act on full display.

"Oh, well I was taking a shower, Dad. I didn't hear you guys knocking, sorry." Marc was about to respond, nodding in understanding, when Allison stepped forward, feigning worry, and exclaimed, "Oh, Harry, you had us scared!"

Allison walked toward Harry, who tightened his grip on the towel as she approached. Her eyes roamed over Harry's shirtless body, assessing him from top to bottom, and she bit her lip. An evident smile played on Marc's lips as he said, "When I told her about your leg, she couldn't help but worry, so I brought her here. If you want, she can keep you company so you won't have to stay alone."

Harry's eyes widened in surprise, and before he could assure his father that he didn't need any company and was perfectly fine on his own, Allison interjected enthusiastically, "I'd be more than happy to. I'm sure it's boring, not to mention you need someone to take care of you." She attempted to link her arm through Harry's, but he instinctively stepped back, clutching his towel tighter.

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a word out, Marc interrupted, announcing, "Well then, I'll take my leave." With that, Marc exited the room, leaving Harry internally screaming in frustration. Why wasn't anyone letting him speak? This was his room, his leg, and his choice! How on earth was he supposed to deal with a clingy girl out here, his ex in his closet, and a towel around his waist? This was ridiculous.

"Allison, you see, I'm actually alright—" Harry began, intending to politely ask her to leave, but Allison cut him off, insisting, "You are not. Actually, you shouldn't even be standing in the first place."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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