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Chapter 14

Louis kissed fervently, his body consumed by desire. Harry's firm grip on his waist tightened, their bodies aligning perfectly, allowing Louis to sense the undeniable bulge growing in Harry's pants. Sensing his own arousal building, Louis knew he couldn't contain himself much longer. Part of him yearned to slow things down, to savor the moment, but an irresistible enchantment held him captive. With an aggressive touch, his hand rose to pull Harry's face, drawing him nearer. Harry's lips responded eagerly, matching Louis' fervor and neediness.

But in the midst of their heated embrace, Harry suddenly pulled back, his voice filled with caution. "Wait, wait, wait," he said, his words breaking the spell they were under. "We should slow down."

Silence filled the air as they continued to hold on to each other, their eyes locked in a shared moment of contemplation. Louis was the first to release his grip, taking a step back, his heart heavy with a sense of guilt. He didn't want Harry to think that this was all he desired, that he was only after sex. He wanted to show him that he was willing to take things slow, to build something meaningful this time.

"We should probably talk," Louis gestured to the sofa. He realized he'd made the situation sound negative as he watched Harry's face slightly drop. Summoning courage, Louis relaxed his shoulders as he reached out, holding Harry's hand, attempting to convey reassurance. A small smile flickered across Harry's face as their hands connected, and Louis guided them toward the nearby couch. They settled down, a subtle but awkward distance separating them.

"So..." Harry spoke first, not wanting a second of uncomfortable silence to build in the air.

Louis took a deep breath, fully aware that the weight of the conversation rested on his shoulders. Harry had summoned the courage to confess his feelings, and now it was Louis' turn to respond. As he looked at Harry, he couldn't help but empathize with the fear that must be gripping him. After all, Harry had likely never been in a gay relationship before. Inwardly, Louis chuckled, remembering he hadn't exactly been in one either. However, the thought of this being his first genuine opportunity at love filled him with an overwhelming sense of happiness. Until it was instantly and swiftly overshadowed by nervousness.

There was a reason Louis had never pursued such connections before. Being in the mafia came with a heavy price tag. He was essentially forbidden from displaying any signs of weaknesses. It was a blessing that he even had a chance at a semblance of a normal life, but he couldn't afford to take anything for granted. A single misstep could inflict unimaginable harm on those around him. Which is why fear had always been his companion, a driving force behind his constant movement and inability to settle in one place for long. He'd convinced himself that his restlessness stemmed from boredom, but the truth was that it was a defense mechanism, one that prevented him from forming deep attachments with anyone. His relationships had only always been superficial, that was until now.

But could he truly risk bringing Harry into his life without causing him harm? Louis turned to Harry, his face betraying his fear. He observed the slow transformation of Harry's expression, mirroring the turmoil within Louis. Nervously, he glanced down at his hands, grappling with the magnitude of the situation. The thought of Harry getting hurt was unbearable, but he knew he'd be even more devastated if he was the one to become the source of that pain. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't deny his growing affection for Harry. He couldn't resist the inevitable bond that was developing between them. And it simply wasn't in his nature to play the noble idiot.

Louis raised his gaze to meet Harry's expectant eyes, brimming with hope. His heart swelled at the sight of Harry's beauty, and in that moment, he knew he had to be honest. He couldn't conceal his feelings any longer. This was the defining moment he had been dreading yet longing for.

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