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Chapter 13

"Louis..." he breathed out loud ready to scream.

"Sir," said Louis, his eyes filled with utter hunger and lust, while Harry flashed back confusion at the sudden use of a new name.

"Harry, Sir you need to wake up." As Harry drifted in and out of sleep, Louis' voice began to fade, replaced by a stranger's soft words. "Your father is on the line, sir," they whispered. With a start, Harry sat up in bed and took in the worried face of a woman he didn't recognize. A quick glance down revealed something shocking, and Harry scrambled to cover himself before the maid could notice. "What's going on? Why are you here?" he demanded.

"I'm sorry to wake you like this, sir, but your father has been trying to reach you all morning," the maid explained with a hint of regret. Harry was hardly in the mood to be polite. "Fine, I'll call him in a bit. But first, I need some time to myself," he grumbled.

Harry made sure the maid had left before rushing to the door. He dropped the bedsheet on himself and looked around nervously, as if he was being watched. He quickly picked up his phone and scrolled through the several different messages that he'd received from Louis.

"Louis: Hey are you okay?

Louis: I'm waiting outside by my car for you if you wanna come we can talk for a bit

Louis: I'm guessing you slept

Louis: it was a great party I'm leaving now

Louis: you're not mad at me right?"

As Harry stared at the screen, the words seemed to dance and twirl in front of his eyes. He double-checked the time stamps and couldn't believe what he saw – an hour had passed in between the first and last text message. "No way I can't believe he waited over an hour for me." He sat down on the edge of his bed and tried to piece together what had gone wrong. He tried his best to remember but the words "I want you so bad" kept repeating in Harry's head. He grabbed his head, and strained his eyes as he felt a massive headache incoming. He quickly grabbed his phone and a hoodie from the nearby chair before bolting downstairs to the guest wing.

With a loud bang, Harry burst into Niall's room. It took a few seconds for Niall to realise what was going on before Harry yelled, "Where's Louis?"

Niall grumbled and tossed over to the other side of the bed, muffling his response into the pillow. "Go away."

But Harry wasn't going to let him off easy. He shook him awake and pleaded with him to pay attention, "this isn't the time Niall I need you up now. Pleaseee!"

Niall half opened his eyes and let out another sigh. He took a deep breath and aggressively rubbed his eyes. "Mate, this better be good. Or your staff will have to deal with your blood on the floor first thing in the morning".

"Cute," Harry let out a deadpanned face, "now shutup and listen".

Niall lazily at the speed of a snail, propped a pillow at the baseboard of the bed, and then himself up on his elbows.

"Speak," he whispered his eyes barely open.

"Where's Louis?"

"What do you mean where's Louis?" Niall lifted up the bed duvet to peak underneath it. "He's clearly not here, so I think I should go back to sleep".

Harry lunged a cushion lying on a nearby sofa towards him.

"He left when we both left for our rooms. So he could probably be half way to Portugal by now if he wanted, who knows. Why?"

Harry starred back at Niall with a blank expression. The wheels in his head had already been spinning on full motor and they were about to go into over drive. He unknowingly started pacing back and forth unable to comprehend what was real and what had been a figment of his imagination.

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