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Chapter 15

As Louis stood embracing Harry, their tender moment was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the front doorbell. Louis reluctantly withdrew from the hug, exchanging a reassuring glance with Harry, who suddenly seemed remarkably composed despite the intrusion. The unspoken message in Louis's eyes was clear, "You've got this, I have your back." With a little more determination, Harry approached the door and opened it, allowing Coraline to barge in without hesitation.

"Harry darling, you do take awfully long to open the door. I was almost about to call up your mum and—" Coraline's voice trailed off as she locked eyes with Louis. "Oh, I didn't know you had someone over," her expression shifted to irritation, and Louis couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at her reaction. This is going to be a lot easier than I thought, he mused to himself.

"Hello, I'm Louis," he leaned forward to shake her hand, receiving a quick smile in return before Coraline handed him the bags she carried. "A friend of Harry's, it seems. Well, be a lad and help me with this, Louis." She motioned for him to assist with the groceries before turning back to Harry, who was still standing at the door.

"I thought you'd be alone since it's a school night, Harry. I was sure Niall wouldn't be around, but I guess you've finally made another friend," Coraline's voice dripped with jealousy.

She placed her hands on Harry's shoulders and gently nudged him inside the house before shutting the door. "Either way, I'm sure you're happy to see me. You haven't cooked anything have you? Let me cooking something for you!"

From a distance, Louis observed the uncomfortable shift in Harry's demeanor as Coraline's touch became overly familiar. Harry seemed visibly uneasy with each gesture, and Louis felt a surge of protectiveness and anger rising within him. He couldn't hold back his emotions, and the grocery bags slipped from his grasp, falling to the floor.

"Be careful with those, Louis. I think there's a glass bottle in there," Coraline rushed to pick up the bags and hurriedly took them to the kitchen to inspect for damage.

Seizing the brief moment alone with Harry, Louis approached him, placing a gentle finger on his chin and lifting his head to meet his gaze. "Harry..." he began, his concern evident.

"You should go," Harry interrupted, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

"What?" Louis replied, taken aback by the sudden request.

"I don't want you here."

"I'm not going anywhere. And I'm definitely not leaving you alone with her," Louis asserted, his voice carrying the weight of his protectiveness.

"I don't want you to see... this," Harry hesitated. Louis could easily tell he was trying his best to keep it together, but his lifeless eyes were a dead give away that he was screaming for help.

Louis leaned in to whisper in Harry's ear, "I am NOT going to leave you alone, Harry." He pulled back to meet Harry's gaze, his voice firm and sincere. Harry took a deep breath and sighed, finally relenting, "Fine, but just don't say much. She'll be out of here soon. She usually just cooks and then leaves."

"Well then, we'll just chill in here," Louis gestured to the living room, "Play some FIFA, you know like friends," he added, a sarcastic emphasis on the word "friends."

"Yeah, that's not going to work. She's going to call me in there anyt—"

"Harry, love, be a dear and open this jar for me, would you?" Coraline's voice cut through their conversation right on cue.

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