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Chapter 6

Harry and Niall lay in bed holding hands for what seemed like an eternity. Neither one of them wanted to get up and muster the energy to deal with the person who was going to be at their doorstep soon.

Harry finally broke the silence. "Maybe we should at least freshen up" he said glancing at Niall.

"We don't need to do shit for her" replied Niall in the most nonchalant way ever that it made Harry giggle a little.

"I meant for my sake, I can smell the bacon you had last night from here Niall, spare me please"

Niall turned to his side and brought his face inches away from Harry's.

"Haaaaaa" He blew in Harry's face "How does it smell, tasty?" joked Niall.

"You're nasty" yelled Harry slamming a pillow in Niall's face. He got up and walked to the bathroom with Niall following less than 30 seconds later.

The two had just finished washing their face and changing into a new t-shirt when the doorbell rang.

"Let's do this SHIT-AYY" yelled Niall. The seriousness on his face made Harry genuinely laugh out loud. He could have sworn it looked like they were going to war dressed in a pair of shorts.

Harry walked out of his bedroom, Niall slowly trailing behind. He looked at the security system screen next to the door confirming the worst, taking a deep breath he opened the door.

"Harry darling I've missed you dearly" uttered the brunette haired women as her arms wrapped around him. Harry kept his arms positioned straight down to his side, evidently not embracing the hug.

"Hello Aunt Coraline" he replied solemnly. The hug lingered for a second longer as she rubbed her hand on his back, sending goosebumps down Harry's arms. Coralline was a 45 year old women and was Harry's moms sister. She was small in stature, but had a well-knit frame. Her hair which was almost always tied back tightly, revealed her prominent cheekbones that made her appear younger. But her generally round face, short neck and broad forehead coupled with her misty grey eyes made her look like Pennywise to both Harry and Niall. To finish her "youthful" appearance she smeared herself with bright red lipstick that accentuated her creepiness even more when she smiled.

Breaking the hug, she looked straight at Harry, her hands still placed on his shoulder. "Harry you're even more gorgeous than the last time I saw you" she muttered as she leaned in a little to go for a second hug. "Hi Coraline what brings you here" questioned Niall breaking her hands from Harry's shoulder and going in for a hug himself. Coraline's face fell as she acknowledged Niall's presence. Trying to plaster a smile on her face again she continued "I'm here to cook you food" while waving the bag of groceries she had in her hand. "Are you going to let me in or not" she snickered. Niall and Harry moved to the side allowing her to enter and make her way to the kitchen. It was eerie that she knew her way around and Harry despised it.

"Let's entertain her for an hour max and then you pretend to get sick and we'll be free" whispered Niall.

"If I pretend to be sick she'll nurse me back to health all night" Harry replied rolling his eyes.

"It's better to just let her cook and leave when she wants. She anyways won't stay for longer than 2 or 3 hours" he added.

"Harry come in here and help me cook hon" she called out.

"The evil bitch I mean witch awaits" muttered Niall. Normally this would have made Harry giggle but her presence seemed to suck the playful soul out of him. The two walked lifelessly to the kitchen where all the groceries had been laid out on the countertops. Coraline's back was to them and she was already busy cooking.

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