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Chapter 3

Harry stared straight ahead and all he could see was Niall's mouth gaping open. He couldn't tell if his friend was actually shocked at what had come out of Louis's mouth or if he had just fallen in love with the bloke in front of him. He then proceeded to look at Louis, who, with a smug face was starring right at Harry like there was no else in the world except him.

"Are you talking to me" blurted out Harry, finally breaking the awkward staring contest he seemed to be having with Louis.

"If you were coming to The Meeting Place you could have just told me, we could have come together" smirked Louis.

Harry's eyes widened so big in confusion, they almost popped out.

"Wait, wait, wait... you two know each other?" questioned Niall, taking turns looking at Harry and then Louis.

"Yeah, he was undressing me before this..." Louis trailed off.

"He WHAT!" shouted Niall while Harry simultaneously choked on the water he was drinking.

Harry glared at Louis, and gripped the edge of the booth seat he was sitting on.

"What he means is that we met for a second near the mens locker room when I went to take a piss" clarified Harry, shifting his eyes from Niall to Louis in dire hope that Louis would walk away and Niall would let this go.

But of course, if it was that simple, this wouldn't be Harry's life.

Louis turned his attention to Niall, "And who might you be?"

"I'm Niall, it's nice to meet you mate. You were bloody brilliant today-ay. That minger Zak is mental, don't know how he thinks he can play footie with that attitude yeah."

A small smile creeped up on Louis's face, like he was genuinely excited that this person in front of him had a liking towards him. Harry wouldn't have cared if it was anyone else, but this was Niall. His best mate. He definitely didn't want him cozying up to this knob. Harry kicked Niall underneath the table to get his attention. He side eyed Louis and subtly shook his head no, trying to get Niall to stop engaging in any conversation with him. Niall pulled a confused look on his face and simply shrugged his shoulders. Harry almost face palmed into the table.

"You know you should come check out our practice, maybe shoot a few kicks with us" coaxed Louis to Niall.

Harry could literally see Niall's heart jump out of his chest and land in Louis's hands.

"Mate that's a barmy idea. You better be dead serious though because I'll take you up on that offer" replied Niall.

Louis laughed. "Course mate, give me your number and I'll drop you a line. You seem like you know a lot about footie, I'd definitely enjoy talking with you... you know about what my team and I should do better and also other things" said Louis as he glanced at Harry smiling, fully showing off that he had just gained his best mate's interest in less than 5 minutes.

Harry rolled his eyes and looked out the window as Niall's fangirling shenanigans continued in the background.

A buzz on his phone brought his attention back to the table and Louis and Niall's conversation which had now blossomed into a proper plan to meet up on the weekend. Harry glanced at his phone and saw the caller ID flashing. He paused for a second, debating in his mind. He then unwillingly stood up to step outside while motioning to Niall that he was getting on a call.


Harry stepped outside the restaurant that was sheltered with an extended roof. Thankfully so because it had started drizzling.

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