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Chapter 10

Harry squinted his eyes open trying to take in his surroundings. The light shining in through the window made him groan. He shut his eyes and moved his hand around trying to find his phone. When he grasped it, he brought it towards him and pulled the covers over his head. Protected by the dark, he turned his phone on and half opened his eyes to look at the time. 10:42 am. Shit how'd I sleep in so late. Harry was seldom used to having a good nights sleep. He'd always be up till at least 4 am and somehow still wake up before 8:30. His body seemed to work like clockwork so he knew for a fact that there were external substances that had contributed to this. He pressed his head trying hard to remember the night before. A flood of memories took over him and along with it came a sickening headache. His mind flashed through the night he'd had, the flirting that went on in the kitchen, the drinks at the bar, and his so called new friend. He instantly got up and shook himself at the last memory he had.

What the fuck did I... kiss... LOUIS last night!

He held his face in his hands embarrassed to the core. He tried hard to remember exactly what happened again but all he could picture was Louis's lips coming closer and closer to him. I can't believe I kissed... a boy... a Louis. I freakin kissed LOUIS. No no no no no. LOUIS KISSED ME. There's no way! It has to be the alcohol right. We both drank a lot right. I'm sure we did. Thats the only thing that explains it all. Nope. NOPE. I most definitely dreamt it all. Yeah that makes way more sense. I mean ha. there's absolutely no way Louis kissed me.

Harry looked behind him to the other side of the bed and the realization that he was alone in his room finally hit him for the first time since he'd woken up. Wait why am I alone. Did he leave me alone again?! Seriously!! He could feel his mood quickly changing as a sting of irritation built up inside him. He grabbed a hoodie lying on a nearby chair and tossed it over his head while he simultaneously brushed up his hair with his fingers and tried appearing a bit presentable. He hurried down the stairs with optimism that Louis was probably just a gentleman who decided to sleep downstairs instead of next to him. He turned the hallway and walked towards the living room only to see an empty sofa and no sign of someone around. He stood with his hands on his hips, now incredibly annoyed. He could see the hallway bathroom with its door wide open confirming the worst that he was yet again alone after a night together.

Harry continued pacing in his living room mumbling curses, occasionally to himself but mainly to Louis. He walked to the fridge and poured himself an ice cold glass of water. He was half way through chugging it when he heard the keypad sound of the outside security system. He put his glass down and walked back to the living room confused at who could be coming over since Niall hadn't texted him since the day before.

Right when he moved closer to peak at the security camera screen the front door swung wide open and in came Louis, coffee in one hand and a brown paper bag in another. He jumped a bit as if startled to see Harry but casually nodded a Hey before moving towards the kitchen table completely ignoring the abnormality of this all. Harry stood frozen a bit dazed as he tried processing his feelings. For the first few seconds, he was relieved to know that he hadn't been ditched and left alone again but that was quickly taken over by a sense of awkwardness the minute he remembered everything that had happened the night before and everything that was happening now.

He turned to follow Louis who was arranging the coffee cups on the table and rummaging around for a plate to put the slices of bread he was fishing out of the bag. Harry's mouth suddenly watered at the sight of food as his stomach grumbled and his headache became prominent again. In the midst of it all he couldn't help but notice how the coffee cup on one side was labeled tea and how the bread slides were golden and crispy almost as if Louis had specifically asked for the ends of a baguette, his particular favorite. This brought a shy smile to his face and he tried remembering when he'd blabbed on and possibly mentioned this to Louis.

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