Part 17

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Author's POV..

Next Morning,

Next Morning,

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"Baby wake up noo??", Tae sighed..

"Mumma I don't want to"

"Baby today is your first day at your you want to be late?? Come on Gguk..wake up"

Taegguk opened his eyes immediately..How can he forget this day?

"Mummaa I folgot..Solly"

"It's okay go and brush your teeth..I made your favourite breakfast..hurry up"

"Yesh mummaaa"

Taegguk ran to the washroom..He was always excited for going to school..He always nagged his mumma for school..but some reasons Tae always was little scared..scared of leaving his son alone for some hours..maybe it's his mother instincts but he had to..He wants his Gguk to be a good human being..he wants his son to follow his dreams and schooling is really needed for that..

"Hobii uncallllllllll"

Gguk came running towards his uncle..his sunshine..

"Yeah bub..Good morning"

"Good molning uncallll"

"Are you excited for today?"

"Yesh yesh..I will play..I will dlaww..I will le-learn..I will make flends..manyy manyyyy flends"

"Yeah yeah baby of course", Hoseok caressed the little boy's head with too much adoration..

"Breakfast is here", Tae came with the breakfast and put it on the table..

After the breakfast Taegguk went to his preschool with his mumma and Hoseokie uncle..He was happy happy and excited..He kept dancing and singing throughout the whole ride and his mumma was giggling every now and then seeing his son happy..

"Baby be a good boy ok?"

"Yesh mummaaa"

"Take care hmm?? And don't forget to take the medicine after your meal"

"Yesh mummaaa I will.. don't wolly..I am a big boy now"

"Yes baby..I love you okay?"

"I lobbb you too mummaaaaaaaaa"

Tae hugged his son and peppered his son with kisses..Gguk kissed back his mumma.

"Come on..Gguk..I want a kiss too"

"Yesh uncalllll..come heaalll"Gguk said and kissed Hobi's cheeks.

"Take care baby"

"Yesh I will..bye mumma bye uncall"

MY HUSBAND HATES ME - TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now