Part 18

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Jungkook's POV..

"Thank you Jungkook"

I couldn't believe my ears..Is it a dream? I turned back and saw my beautiful Tae looking at me with his beautiful eyes..Those eyes..Those eyes hold galaxies..I just want to jump there and never return back..

Suddenly I heard a throat clearing sound..I came out of my trance and looked at him..

"No Tae..Thank you for giving me the chance to console you"

He kept staring at me without saying anything..Maybe I should just leave now, he needs time..

"O-okay then I will get going"

He nodded softly..

I looked back once more and then left the room..

Suddenly my phone started ringing..I saw the caller ID and immediately picked up the call and went to the cafe which was beside their office.

-"Yaaaaahh Jungkook.. Where the hell are you hhuhh?", a loud voice beamed from the phone..

"Hyung I was kinda busy"

-"Busy? Busy my foot"

"Jin Hyung calm down please and please listen to me"

-"Jungkook it's tell me why are you still there? Why didn't you come back?"

"Hyung I found Tae"

Silence erupted from the other side of the call..I know they were too stunned to speak.. Through these years only they stood beside me..If they were not there, I don't know what would have I done..

-"Are you serious Kook?"

"Yes Hyung..I will never joke on this matter"

-"How is he??Is he well??"

"I-I don't know Hyung..I don't know..He says that he is happy without me but I can see it..and our s-son..he h-he is"

-"Wait wait what??son??your son?? What the fuck are you saying Kook?"

"Yeah Hyung..He did bear our child..Gguk is so cute Hyung..He just looks like me Hyung..I can't leave them here..I can't..I can't"

-"Jungkook calm down okay..We understand you..We are coming"

"N-no no Hyung.. don't..I am not coming to Korea with out Tae and Gguk.. Someone need to take the responsibility over there"

-"Are you sure that you can handle everything Kook?"

"Yeaah Hyung..I have to and I need to..You both have always been helping me..This time I will do it on my own..I will get my family back"

-"As you wish Jungkook..but always feel free to call us if you need any help okay?"

"Yes hyung..thank you"

-"Shut up you asshole", Jin Hyung shouted loudly

I chuckled and then we hung up..

Author's POV..

At 2:30 pm..

"Jungkook have you seen the designs?",Namjoon asked the ravenette who was sitting at the opposite chair.

Jungkook shook his head..

"Well Taehyung really did a good job with guiding his team..I never knew that boy had this much potential"

Jungkook felt proud when heard compliments about his love..

"Yeah I would really like to see it"

"But isn't it too fast Hyung? I mean..He didn't get to much time.. did he??", Jungkook asked

"Yeah actually..they had some ideas before so it didn't took that much time..There are too many options..We can choose what looks the best and then they will continue further"

"Oh okay..then bring it up"

"Yeah wait"

"Send Taehyung with the designs", Namjoon ordered his secretary.

After 10 minutes a knock was heard from the door.. Jungkook's heart started beating loudly..He looked up and saw him.. How can he fall for him everytime he sees Taehyung? It's really dangerous for his weak heart..How can someone look ethereal every seconds of the day?

"Yeah Taehyung come in"

Jungkook cleared his throat and tried to concentrate..

"Sir these are the designs we thought of", with saying that Taehyung handed them the catalogue.

"It's beautiful", Jungkook said.

Taehyung's cheeks got red as soon as he heard the compliment..He tried to control but couldn't..He kept blushing while hunging his head low..

Jungkook looked up and saw Tae till standing there..

"Taehyung why are standing.. please take a seat"

Tae sat while mumbling a "thank you".

"Superb Taehyung..You did a great job", Namjoon praised him..

"Thank you sir"

Then Namjoon and Jungkook got busy selecting the designs they loved the most..It took about an hour because all designs were really beautiful and they couldn't choose properly..

"Okay that's it"

They handed the catalogue to Tae who quickly stood up and bowed to them..

Namjoon took the leave because he had an important business call.

"Taehyung we are going to the venue Wednesday okay?? And you are coming with me", Jungkook said..

Tae nodded and mumbled "yes sir"

"Tae I am not your boss.. please don't call me me by my name..It sounds heavenly from your mouth", Jungkook whispered the last sentence.

Tae tried to say something but couldn't..Jungkook picked up his phone and faked a call because he knew if he didn't..if he didn't then Tae would have opposed him..

Tae sighed and took the leave..

He went to his office room and sat on his chair..He was exhausted..he looked at his watch..It was 3:45 pm..Taegguk would come in no time..A smile came to his face when he thought about his son..How lucky he was to have him..His all stress, exhaustion go away when he is with his son..

Taegguk always comes to his office so he didn't need to bring him..His little smart son knows the he closed his eyes and waited for his son to come to him and engulf him hugs and kisses..

20 minutes passed..Tae got confused so he called Hobi..

"Hyung did you pick up Ggukie?"

-"Yes..I dropped him to your office half an hour ago"

"What? He didn't come to my room..Oh my gosh..Where is he?"

Tae stood up and started running.

-"Tae calm down okay? Maybe he is goofing around..Take a will find him"

"He never did that before Hyung..I don't know"

-"Calm down Tae..and please call me as soon as you find him okay?"

"Yeah", with saying that Tae put the phone back on his pocket and kept running throughout the whole office..

He was in verge of crying..He still didn't find Gguk..He decided to take a look at outside of his office.. Suddenly he heard some laughing noises..

He turned his back and saw Gguk running and giggling with Jungkook.

How is it?
Please feel free to share your thoughts with me😊

Have you guys listened to "More"?
Jhope killed it🔥🔥

And also thank you guys, who are reading my story ❤️I love you all so much ❤️

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