Toon Back Time Part 1

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Everyone in town was abuzz at the Wilhelm Clock Tower. Snagglepuss was being apprehended at the base, with the news team at the sidelines, filming the whole thing.

Snagglepuss: You can't arrest me, I've done nothing wrong!

Boo Boo: You scaled the clock tower.

Snagglepuss: That was only one thing which doesn't matter to me, so you STILL can't arrest me, haha!

Chase: Not having a climbing licence?

Donkey Kong: *Roars*

Flurr: WHY!?

Boo Boo: That makes zero sense.

Screeno: Snag, you scaled the highest building in town with no safety equipment!

Surgeo: What about the hospital?

Screeno: Okay, second tallest building in town.

Yogi Bear: What about planes?

Everyone but Yogi: ...

Snagglepuss: Still can't arrest me!

Cut to the Banana Splits (and Willy Weasel) inside the clock tower.

Fleegle: I don't understand why Snag climbed the outside of this place. Door was unlocked and everything.

Willy Weasel: Tell me about it, seems like a bad idea.

Drooper: Hey, why is there a door that says, "Do not enter unless Professor?"

Bingo walks up to it, jiggling the handle.

Bingo: It's locked!

Fleegle: Well, then we BUST it open!

Cue a series of failed attempts to bust the door open, until Snorky lifts the welcome mat.

Snorky: Honk honk honk! (I found a spare key!)

Bingo: Good work, Snorky!

Fleegle picks up the key, and puts it in the lock.

Fleegle: Okay... hopes for the best...

The beagle turns the key and opens the door, revealing the core of the clock tower, which looks like a giant toaster.

Drooper: Hey, look! A toaster!

Bingo: Must be the one Grape Ape uses.

Snorky: Honk honk? (a toaster? really?)

Willy Weasel: I got the same question, Snorky.

Then, El Kabong bashes through the walls of the clock tower with his guitar, Susan. Also, Professor Von Drake is there, too. He's just really far away.

El Kabong: Kabong!

(Professor Von Drake is really far away because he doesn't want to get involved with this.)

Banana Splits: El KABONG!?

El Kabong: Yes, you violated the privacy of the man that owns this room! Now.. prepare to be.. Kabonged!

Kabong jumps high in the air, hitting the Splits, Willy Weasel, a framed picture of Goofy, a rotary phone, and a statue of Albert Einstein with his guitar. The stringed instrument in the horse's hands goes to a big red button on the "toaster", starting it up.

Snagglepuss: Uh.. what do ya suppose that button does?

Outside, part of the clock tower roof opens up, revealing a satellite dish inside.

Flurr: What the?

Yogi: Is it time for the five o'clock news?

Aviva: *eats churro* Seems like it.

The satellite dish blasts a beam into the distance. The beams ricochets off of a window, a teapot, the screen of a TV which Choo-Choo and Spooky are carrying, and a bunch of other reflective surfaces.

Flain: Everyone duck!

Everyone ducked or hid from the beam of light.

Yogi: Aviva, your churro!

Aviva dropped her churro during the scuffle.

Boo Boo: Yogi, Aviva's not going for a dirty churro.

Yogi: But what about the five second rule?

Snoof: What's that?

Yogi: If you pick up a piece of food you dropped within 5 seconds, it's still good to eat!

Boo Boo: Yogi, there's a beam of light travelling around us at the speed of a racehorse! Would the 5 second rule apply HERE?

Yogi: I dunno, I haven't read the rule book in full.

Boo Boo: There's a rule book?

Yogi: Yeah there is!

Boo Boo: Well, it sounds like you're making things up to prolong my question!

Yogi: No, I'm not!

Flurr: Uh, guys, focus less on the 5 second rule and MORE ON THE BEAM OF LIGHT!

The beam flies all over the place, then ricochets off another building window, and near the golf course with Dawn, Teslo, and Cloudy.

Cloudy: Whell, dog, I vinnaly godden ovher my vear ov lightening. Yez, Chloudy, you are a changed sdade of madder!

Teslo: Good for you, Cloudy!

The beam of light hits Dawn, turning her into a baby.

Cloudy: *scream* Lidning! *floats away*


(A/N: This Dawn is from the Pokemon Anime BTW.)

Meanwhile, the MCPD are arresting the Splits and Willy Weasel.

Kuffs: You can never get out of trouble, can you?

Willy Weasel: Hmm... nope.

Sylvester: I mean, you broke into an unauthorized area and touched things you shouldn't have touched. That's kinda bad.

Willy Weasel: Yeah, yeah, get to the point.

Kuffs: Uh, you have the right to remain silent... uh...

Chase: I believe there's something along the lines of a lawyer.

Kuffs: Yeah, a lawyer... uh.. anything you say can and will be held against you in court.

Kuffs: Uh... hmm.

Cloudy: *screaming, floats by* Sgary lighdening! Sgary lignenening!

Kuffs: Wait, Cloudy? What're you doing here? I thought you were playing golf with Dawn and Teslo.

Aviva: Yeah, possibly.

Yogi's phone rings.

Yogi: Yello?

Donald: Hello, is this Doctor Yogi?

Yogi: Yep, that's me.

Donald: Well, I was 5 below par because SOMEONE gave me a frying pan, when I noticed that there was an baby on the field!

Toodles is seen trying to get his ball in the hole, but is failing because Donald screamed.

Yogi: Wait, a BABY? What kinda mad man would... wait, tell me more.


Toodles fails to get his ball in the hole (again) because of Donald's screaming, and throws his club to the ground.

Yogi: Alright, alright!

Later, at the golf course...

Trumpsy is seen playing the bagpipes.

Kuffs: Yogi, you sure you are obligated to do this?

Yogi: Yep, I sure am!

In the hospital, Surgeo looks up from his newspaper.

Kuffs: Well, the duck did see a Piplup on the field while in hole 9.

Tiketz: I mean, hole 9? The tyke was spotted here at hole 16! That just too far away!

Chase: Well, the Pokémon couldn't have gone far, maybe we can catch it before it gets out of vicinity?

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