🩵Naga! Mask x Alraune! Aloha🩷

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YES I'm alive and so is this book!! I'm not backing down! This book is staying right here,!!! And Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

(This was a request by MahiMahiAloha
Mask's pov
It was a normal boring day like any other, just green, peaceful, and most of all quiet. I've known this forest since I was born, it's pretty decent around here I enjoy climbing the trees especially tall ones, like the one I'm in right now. I looked up at the sky seeing the bright shades oranges, pinks, and reds, it reminds me of the colors I see on the feathers of a Harpy. The clouds were becoming thin because the sun was setting but they're still pretty, I leaned back against the tree I was sitting on and was about to fall asleep until I heard a voice calling for me.

???: Maaask!! Hey! Mask!

Mask: Desi? Is that you?

I look to my right to see a close friend of mine fly up to me, his name's Designer though I just call him Desi for short. He's a honeybee, we both met 3 months ago when I helped him get this giant flower he wanted to give to his boyfriend who's actually the Queen bee though he told me not to question why the queen is a he. He landed on the branch next to the one I was sitting on. He looked worn out, he was covered in some weird light pink-colored slime, and his hair was a total mess filled with leaves and...flower petals? It's as if he just finished fighting someone tough and judging by the leaves and flower petals it might have been a plant hybrid.

Mask: Desi? What in the-

Designer: Yeah heheh..um...Mask I..need your help...

Mask: Well I can see that but...happened to you?

Designer: W-Well I was trying to gather flowers for my hive, then out of nowhere I was grabbed by a vine and then..this happened.

Designer pointed to himself when he said that, I thought to myself "poor Designer", I placed my hand on his shoulder.

Designer: I barely escaped, please you gotta help me.

Mask: Don't worry Desi I'll deal with the jerk who made you end up like this. Just tell me, where did you go to be exact?

Designer pointed to a bright and colorful area I'm guessing that was the flower field he came from. I slithered my way down from the tree to deal with the nuisance who made my friend look like this and headed towards the flower field. To my surprise it was beautiful here I've never seen so many colorful flowers in my life and they smelled wonderful. . .but, I snapped out of it not letting that distract me, I focused on the task ahead and continued making my way into the field looking everywhere to see if there was anyone or anything hiding, I heard the rustling of leaves a few times but didn't think to stop and look around I thought to myself as I continued to move ahead.

Mask: *mind* Could it have been a Dryad?...No..the trees would've been different and plus they like big empty fields..Hm..what about a Mandragora?.....Nah..they're nothing but a bunch of roots connected to the ground they can't even move or do much. What about a Liliraune?....no..because they normally live in a field full lilies just like how Alraunes live in a field of colorful flowe-

And that's when it dawned on me I was in an Alraune's territory, and to my surprise a vine came out of nowhere and was about grab me but I managed to dodge it and get out of the away.

Mask: *mind* Yep! Definitely an Alraune....crap!

The vine retracted back to a huge pink flower that began to bloom, then I saw a person inside the center of the flower, they stretched their arms and rubbed their eyes and their face looked a little sleepy, as if they'd just woken up.

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