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Jeongwoo stretched his arms above his head as he checked the time. It was much later than normal for him.

He checked his phone seeing his friends were going out tonight for bowling. That night he was busy slamming his head back into his headboard as he repeated the scene from earlier that day.

I'm literally so stupid, why did I do that?

He picked up his phone as it started to ring, "hello?"

"Hey Jeongwoo, are you coming," Doyoung yelled.

Jeongwoo pulled his phone away from his ear at his screaming friend, picturing the male in the corner of an arcade plugging one of his ears. He chuckled at the thought.

"I don't know, I'm not really in the mood," Jeongwoo replied.


"Yah! Hyung shush!"

"Who do you think you are saying Yah to?"

Jeongwoo chuckled hearing Jihoons voice as he and Doyoung started to bicker, "okay fine, I'll go. Send me your location."

I kinda miss them.

He hung up and Jeongwoo decided to just pull on a hoodie since he was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, he just wanted to be comfortable. He grabs other things he needs before following the direction of where Doyoung sent him.

Why am I even going? I don't want to.

Jeongwoo was ready to wallow away in embarrassment before he ever had to run into the other male again. However, it was too late and  Jeongwoo had arrived at the bowling lanes.

It was too late to turn around now.

He went to find his friends smiling as he saw Jihoon get a strike, Doyoung and Yedam were eating, Jaehyuk was cheering for Jihoon and there was Asahi he was sat back on the couch with a look of distress.

Jeongwoo walked up to them with a hand up, "hey guys."

That's when as he got closer he realized Jihoon invited Hyunsuk and Haruto. Jeongwoo's hand slowly fell by his side as his smile faltered.


Jihoon and Doyoung yelled as they pulled the male into a hug. Jaehyuk did not seem happy either but pretended with the sweet, sick smile he always has.

"Sit with us," Jaehyuk said patting a spot by him and Asahi.

Jeongwoo nodded and sat himself down, "who is winning?"

"Haruto and Jihoon are tied," Asahi said as he sipped on his water.

"Really? but Haruto sucks at bowling," Jeongwoo chuckled, as he looked up at Haruto who was smiling as he talked to Jihoon and Hyunsuk.

Jaehyuk huffed, "I don't know cause I keep losing."

"That's cause you suck hyung," Doyoung said which made Yedam suppress a laugh.

Jeongwoo smiled a bit as Haruto met his eyes. Haruto smiled back and mouthed the words to him, "Holding up?"

Jeongwoo just nodded, the gesture didn't go unnoticed by Asahi. The male scooted closer to Jeongwoo making the younger boy turned to him, "you okay sahi?"

"Just cold, can you hand me Jaehyuks jacket," Asahi said quietly but loud enough for Jeongwoo to hear.

Jeongwoo nodded and pulled the hoodie from under Jaehyuk as he got up for his turn. Handing the jacket to the other male, "here."

"Thank you, so what did you do earlier?"

Jeongwoo blinked, "nothing really."

Asahi tilted his head and glanced at Haruto, "I saw Haruto in your building when I was going to see Jaehyuk."

Jeongwoo clapped, "oh yeah he came by so we could plan this night out basically, nothing better than a group date."

Asahi nodded, "well then does that make Haruto your date?"

Jeongwoo coughed, "what no, we are all here as friends so it wouldn't be awkward for them. Honestly, I didn't want to come."

"Me neither," Asahi laughed.

After a couple of moments of silence, he needed a breather.

Jeongwoo got up, "I'll be right back."

Jeongwoo left them to go to the restroom to take a breather, he was close and luckily saved himself from disaster. He took a deep breath before he turned on the sink to splash his face.

"You okay?"

Jeongwoo nodded familiar with the calming low toned voice, "almost got myself busted."

Haruto laughed grabbing paper towels, "so did I earlier, I ran into him in the hallway. He'll catch on though, he's a genius."

Jeongwoo nodded turning to the male who was already drying his wet face with the paper towels.

"I can do it myself," Jeongwoo said.

"I want to help, I don't want to be out there right now."

Jeongwoo tilted his face hearing the hurt in Harutos voice, "how come?"

"I just don't feel like I belong, Jaehyuk and Asahi literally hate me," Haruto leaned his head on the boy's shoulder.

Jeongwoo patted his back, "they will warm up to you, just like I'm trying to."

"I want to tell you everything about that night, but not yet. Trust me, it's not what you think," Haruto said.

Jeongwoo took a deep breath, "I believe you."

I believe you.

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