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Just another morning where Jeongwoo didn't get enough sleep, the poor boy was worried about the weird photo he discovered in his class. Jihoon took hold of the said photo for what he called detective investigation, why else would he be studying criminal investigation he stated. Jeongwoo couldn't go out and meet with his friends alone without feeling like he was being followed or watched.

Knock, Knock.

Jeongwoo sighed before getting up from his desk, he felt cold even in his jacket. He didn't even want to answer the door, "who is it?"


"And Jaehyuk!"

Jeongwoo knew the sounds of their voice but as he reached the door something caught his eye. A letter of some sort which he found strange since mail had to be picked up on the first floor.

He had picked it up, reading it.

Park Jeongwoo.

Is like a light in my life.

A single smile could brighten anyone's day.

Like he smiles at me.

The face of an angel as he sleeps.

Soon he will sleep next to me.

The skin on Jeongwoos's body crawled, and he felt ill. The pit of his stomach had turned to make him nauseous.

"Hey Woo, are you okay?"

Jeongwoo unlocked the door his voice cracked as he said, "it's open."

Asahi twisted the handle letting himself in, "jeongjeong are you okay?"

When Asahi walked in he saw Jeongwoo on the floor rocking back and forth. His hands were in fists by his ears, one with a piece of paper. Jaehyuk walked in behind him closing the door.

"Should I call the others," Jaehyuk asked softly.

"Yeah, I'll try my best to handle it for now until possibly Haruto comes to calm him down," Asahi says Jaehyuk just nodded and starts doing stuff on his phone.

Asahi managed to get Jeongwoo on the couch before he breathed heavily. The rocking back and forth, his breathing started to get heavier, and slowly tears were coming down his cheeks.

Things like this freak out Asahi, he doesn't know exactly what to do so all he could do is soothe his back and be there. Jaehyuk got off the phone and sat elsewhere, he didn't want to crowd the male, it was already hard for him to breathe.

Soon someone burst into the room Jihoon and Haruto, seemed to be the only others that weren't in class at the moment. Haruto made his way in front of Jeongwoo crouching down to try and meet his eyes.

"Jeongwoo give me a sign you can hear me."

Jeongwoo lifted a single finger, Haruto took that as his sign.

"With the sound of my voice look me in the eyes."

Jeongwoo choked on a sob but slowly tilted his head up to make eye contact with the guy infront of him.

"Name three things you hear."

"Uh, I hear you, heart beat and tapping."

Haruto nodded, "good, name three things you see."

Jeongwoo nodded slightly this time, the fists by his ears loosening, "you, asahi and the TV."

Haruto smiled, "good, take a couple breathes with me."

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

"Good job, woo. I'm so proud of you."

This made Jeongwoo smile, slightly shoving the male, "damn you."

Haruto just chuckled, "hey why were you like this in the first place?"

Jeongwoo looked at the paper by his side and passed it to his friends. One by one they all read it, then it was left in Jihoon's hands for his collection.

Asahi hugged his friend, "no one should be going through what you're going through."

Jeongwoo just sighed, Haruto frowned a bit, "h-hey, what if I stay with you for now on?"

Jeongwoo looked at him, "really?"

Haruto nodded, "I don't see why not, plus it will let Hyunsuk and Jihoon have their special time."

Jihoon burned up, "yah!"

The boys just laughed, Jeongwoo nodded, "yeah I think I would feel safer if someone was with me."

Haruto wanted to run his fingers through the males hair but he couldn't, his eyes were filled with so much love. All the others saw it, except for Jeongwoo.

Jihoon cleared his throat to get the attention of the others, "I'm going to bring this to the lab."

"Can I come?"

Jihoon looked at Jaehyuk with a smile, "yeah sure, anyone else."

Asahi raised his hand, "I wanna see."

Jaehyuk smiled, "we will be back with evidence, make sure to stay here."

"Can you bring us back food," Jeongwoo asked.

Jaehyuk nodded, he locked the door from the inside before he closed it. Now it was quiet and it left Haruto and Jeongwoo together basking in the silence.

"Sorry if I do anything weird, I tend to act out impulsively sometimes," Jeongwoo mumbled.

Haruto thought of the kiss from before and nodded, oh how he wants to kiss him again, "did you want to watch a movie?"

Jeongwoo nodded, "yeah let's watch something funny."

Haruto nodded, he got up to get some popcorn while Jeongwoo found something on the tv. He felt like he heard a weird noise and tried to find it. While the popcorn was in the microwave he looked up to see on top of the cabinets. One of them had a little black box with a red light, knowing it was a camera, he played it off by grabbing the seasoning salt near by it.

Though his blood was boiling he had to pretend like it didn't bother him. Any wrong moves and it could be over for either of them, he couldn't loose Jeongwoo again.

He put everything back and walked back into the living room, he felt so uncomfortable. He pulled out his phone and decided to text Jihoon and Jaehyuk about his knowledge of the camera before going back to pretend that everything was okay. It wasn't.

Jeongwoo grabbed some popcorn which brought Harutos attention to him, "is watching soogeun's stand up comedy okay?"

Haruto nodded, "yeah. I find him hilarious."

Jeongwoo nodded, "me too!"

Haruto that night went back to his place and packed a bag before he went back to stay the night with Jeongwoo for the next upcoming days. He put the food Jaehyuk left for them in the fridge since Jeongwoo already fell asleep. Soon Haruto was laying on the couch just wondering, how did they end up here?

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