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Unedited, I feel like this story is like not exactly how I wanted it but its aight


It was about midnight when Jaehyuk and Asahi showed up, sitting on the couch with the other couple. the other chair was filled by Haruto, Yoshi, and Mashiho.

Haruto sighed, confrontation was not one his favorite things. He was slightly nervous but nothing too extreme.

Jaehyuk just kind of scanned everybody and noticed how frail Haruto looks, "Haruto are you okay?"

"How long has Jeongwoo had anxiety," Mashiho asked.

"Fifth grade," Haruto and Jaehyuk both replied.

Asahi tilted his head, "can you just explain why we are here?"

"I'll get to that," Mashiho said. "Haruto how long have you had it?"

"As long as I can remember," Haruto said.

Jaehyuk blink, "you have it too?"

Haruto just nodded, Asahi frowned he didn't know so many people could have it. However, it was a pretty common thing that came in different forms.

"Have you met Junghwan yet," Mashiho asked.

"Not recently, I've met him a couple times in the past," Jaehyuk said.

"Did something happen," Asahi asked.

Mashiho nodded, "Haruto, you are going to have to tell us everything so we can help you."

"Of what just happened or everything everything," Haruto asked, he knew most of of them already know but it wasnt a story he liked to retell.

"Just everything that happened right now in the bathroom," Yoshi said.

Haruto took a deep breath, "he smiled and it made my stomach turn so I went to the bathroom...

Haruto threw up in the toilet. He felt a hand brushing through his hair, looking up only made him want to run but he couldn't. He felt like jelly or like he was in a trance.

"You cut our meeting short the other day hyung, I missed you," Junghwan whispered.

Haruto tried to look down but the same hand in his hair, grabbed a fist full forcing him to meet eyes. He felt a wipe clean his face and around his mouth, "it hurts."

Junghwanlet go which made Haruto scoot away, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"What do you want from me," Haruto asked his voice was hoarse, he was trying not to cry.

"I want you Hyung, I like you. I also want you to leave Jeongwoo alone, he's mine," Junghwan's eyes felt confused as if one eye felt pain and the other held an obsession.

Haruto tilts his head, "you can't have us both Junghwan."

"W-what do you mean? Yeah, I can. Of course, I can, my mom says I can have anything along as I'm good," Junghwan breathed out but he stood up as his breath started to become erratic.

Haruto fiddled with the door, "Junghwan stop, what happened to you?"

Junghwan took a deep breath, "we are going to leave this bathroom as if nothing happened you got it?"

"Wait what?"

Then he acted like everything was normal."

"He is worse than I thought," Asahi mumbled that just made Jaehyuk place a hand on his thigh.

Yoshi rubbed Haruto's back, Mashiho spoke up again, "I think he is planning something."

Jihoon let out a deep breath, "this is a lot of information, I was just befriending a crazy person and all I can do is pretend I'm his friend for now on."

Mashiho nodded, "yeah until we catch him doing something jail worthy."

"I feel the need to go check on Jeongwoo now," Asahi mumbled.

"We can when we head back," Jaehyuk said patting his thigh in reassurance.

"He is only here for this weekend, he should be leaving tomorrow morning, it's a monday right," Hyunsuk asked.

"Yeah, so then maybe we don't have to worry that much anymore," Jihoon said.

"With people like this there is always more," Mashiho said.

"I think you watch too much true crime," Jihoon chuckled.

Yoshi chuckled, "whether he does or doesn't his hunches are never wrong."

"Mine either, and it all does feel slightly sketchy," Asahi said.

Hyunsuk nodded, "I mean as someone who doesn't know as much as everyone else, is there something I can do?"

"You can just sit back like me suk, there isn't much we can do unlike the ones that know those threes history," Jihoon said patting the males thigh.

Hyunsuk nodded, "yeah you are probably right? Let us know if you need us, we are more than happy to help."

Haruto nodded, "we will."

"Hyuk can we go see Jeongwoo now," Asahi said.

Jaehyuk looked over at asahi, "yeah but he is probably sleeping sahi."

"Let us know if anything happens," Mashi said as the other two got up.

"We will see you guys around," Jaehyuk said with a wide smile even though his chest was heavy.

Jaehyuk and Asahi went to go check on Jeongwoo, knocking on his door. They knew it was late but Asahi just needed to go check on him. However there was no response.

"I told you they were sleeping," Jaehyuk said.

Asahi sighed, "yeah I guess you are right."

Jaehyuk smiled at him, "do you want to spend the night? I dont want you to go back by yourself."

Asahi chuckled, "we live in the same building hyuk."

Jaehyuk chuckled, "okay okay, I just want to hold you please."

Asahi nodded, "okay fine."

Jaehyuk smiled tugging Asahi to walk down the hall to his room. As Asahi and Jaehyuk were now comfortable in the bed, Asahi's mind couldn't just help but wonder to Jeongwoo.

Asahi curled into Jaehyuks chest sighing as he inhaled his scent, feeling safe.

However, Asahi was right. Though Jeongwoo was sleeping, the other wasn't. Junghwan stared from the edge of the bed stroking the males hair.

"You'll be mine, right?"

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