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Meeting the Uppermoons

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        "Uwah! She's so adorable! Hello there, my name is Douma, Uppermoon Two!" Gushed the demon with rainbow colored eyes.

"Oh, shut up. I'm Akaza, Uppermoon Three. I thought I'd find you on that train, but I guess Enmu found you first. I just wish the sun hadn't come up so quickly, I might've been able to kill Kyojuro," said the pink haired demon.

"Wah! She's really beautiful, isn't she onii-chan? I'm Daki, and this is my older brother, Gyutaro! We're Uppermoon Six!" Said a beautiful demoness, gesturing to a rather tall and skinny demon.

"Kokushibo... Uppermoon One..." The demon with the long ponytail and katana muttered.

"Gyokko, Uppermoon Five~ And might I say, that kimono looks lovely on you, dear~ I haven't seen such a lovely looking woman in over a hundred years!" Said the fish looking demon.

"Eep! It's my turn already?! Um-! H-Hantengu, Uppermoon F-Four!" The meek demon with a huge bump on his head squeaked.

"And this," Muzan pointed to the black haired demoness with a biwa.

"Is Nakime. Now it's time for your introduction. This is my wife, Kibutsuji Y/N. She is above all of you and you shall treat her as such. Any form of disrespect towards her and you'll be sorry."

"Kibutsuji...? Wife...? I didn't agree to that!" Y/N protested.

"You don't have a choice, darling~"

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        Y/N sat in her room, petting Rui's head lovingly.

She was living in the Infinity Mansion for a few week now and had given up on escaping.

The demons were too strong.

Rui was a total sweetheart though; he was very cuddly.

"Y/N-sama, Y/N-sama!"

Daki appeared in the room and tackled Y/N into a hug.

Rui growled, clinging onto Y/N tighter, Daki sticking her tongue out back.

They were always so childish.

"Whatever! Muzan-sama allowed me to bring you to the Red Light District!" Daki said excitedly.

"The Red Light District?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, you're going to love it there, trust me!"

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